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Blindly Mated to Badboy Alpha.

Chapter 5 jealous!

Word Count: 910    |    Released on: 24/02/2023


anyone. But that day was filled with beating and yelling and threatening! But even so, I was living the biggest dreams o

whores that trapped me in the bath

me to stay away from Noah. They saw me as use

nt ways. At least I have never treated anyone in a bad way. I

didn’t want to lose one of my senses similarly. It was enough f

y classes because I didn't want to come home early and ruin my parent’

to my classroom, almost gritting all the way to the c

then pulled a chair and sat next

aid simply as if it was someth

childishly, I don't need a personal guar

m staying then I’m staying. Now concentrate

didn't want to drop that year because of an

nking— Guess who? Him! Yes, my mate Noah black. And I wonder how a bad boy

teacher informed me, “Bella, I will be waitin

ely to my teacher “yes

nd my books and stood up; Noah asked m

g the lessons for just once. So the teachers used to help me after cl

g me. I didn’t say anything because I didn't expect him to join me

ughed “what are yo

t he didn’t say anything beca

o me and raised his legs to the desk in front of him a

in a half yell tone shockingly

er in his face “dare to call her Bella again and I will be fucking kill you! Her name is isa

stop.” I holle

gry suddenly. He dragged me painfully and picked my ba

get into the school bus. But he gritted his teeth

y nose, “no, unless you gave me a reasonable expl

ng you out! I could tell how much he liked you! Fuck

he jea

in a whisper-soft tone,

sighed, “yes, Bella. I’m so fucking jealous. That I want to

t in, Noah. Just drive

that weird

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