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Blindly Mated to Badboy Alpha.

Blindly Mated to Badboy Alpha.


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1038    |    Released on: 24/02/2023


ammit. Since then, I have been hiding in my room, pretending that I was sick. My parents didn’t force me to go to school. But I jus

from nightmares abou


ot! Watch your fucking path!" He yelled a

I was afraid or n

about him a lot and being a jerk?! Me and him! But

cking ignoring me?! I’m the strongest alpha ever! Don't you know who I am? And why the hell I f

n the floor, trying to stand u

my way!" He shouted in

h. He hollered, "What t

id I'm trying to

commanded me, "Look at me now." But seriously? I couldn’t! F

ke me angry! My heart is— Why the fuck y

and sighed deep

f fla

t he didn’t make a move since then and didn’t try to reach me.

was what

rm shower, dressed in my school uniform, and

that I can walk and talk and even read and write without even being

they helped me secretly. But my nose and the strong gift

a good day to my parents and waved them out of

blind. But I asked him not to help me at all. I walked confidently inside the

d I can't deny how awful and horrible students there were. Being born to the most potent

mething I did m

I hopped off immediately, gasping and gulped nervously. But I hav

nd tried to stand

! I have told you that she is blind! Her secret is expo

uation to me, and I wanted to

are you doing

Did I hear that wrong?

h black. Everyone muttered in

a is my mate. So dare to fuck up with her, and I will make your living like hell! N

m, “where are you taking me? Thank you for helpi

and increased his speed to feel the oxygen in my lu

apparent that we parked in front of the school gates. He leaned closer to me, l

otesting, “I'

be mine soon. So watch your moves because I will be watching you. Dare to p

of laughter from my mo

er then he shoved my lips with his tongue into an intense kiss. He pulled aw

eaming o

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