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His Ugly Mate

Chapter 5 a mistress!

Word Count: 1149    |    Released on: 24/02/2023


ep on the couch, and it was the

and then I tapped her on the shoulder and said,

in the morning was enough to completel

opened, and she

off the couch, you lazy slob!" I ordered he


saying, "I told you, I don't want to see your

God's sake! She was the ugliest person I had ever seen! Having to mate with a dog o

over my chest and asked, "Then why

will keep my face covered while I am sleeping? This is going to be really difficult. It's possible that I won't be able to breathe, an

are less if you passed away! To tell you the truth, it would be a huge relief if you passed away. Even for you. Don't you think so?" After that, I moved her out of the way s

sobbing once more. That was way too frustrating; in all honesty,

To tell you the truth, I had murderous intentions toward her. Yes! On the other hand, the thought occurred to me that I s

o humiliate and insult her. I just wish she won’t be patie

tire body. I got up and went to check on her in my b

my mood from bad to good, which is something that could n

t which point I immediately dialed the number of my mist

ey, baby, I'm waiting fo

ormed that you have found your soulmate!" She sh

ith her, despite the fact that she is extremely repulsive. Anyway, please do

f Lisa lying underneath me caused my dick to beco

phone after saying, "

oor, so I opened it and there was the beast, yes... my mat

hushed tone, "W

tch and said, "go to the bathro

't run into you! Besides, looking at you will make my dick sleep! And I

the restroom where she shut t

r the arriv

t, and I couldn't resist bringing her onto my lap.

kiss on the lips,

y mate by asking me,

m!" I yelled. "

ped off my lap in surprise. "How

eeks with warm kisses. "Don't worry, she knows that you will come," I said to her as I k

e look that bad to

Rosy!" "Rosy, hurr

n her place, “take off your veil!” I

claimed, "Oh, my god! She is a tot

ou in front of that beast. to make her aware of the depth of my hatred for her. H

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