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His Ugly Mate

Chapter 3 I do reject you!

Word Count: 574    |    Released on: 24/02/2023


ut I also felt a little anxious about it. Even though I haven't met my mate ye

born man. If I were to refuse his request, he would abdicate

cow, I wouldn't object to hav

t! I'm as good-looking as the devil himself! Regardless of who ends up being my mate, she has a lot of luck c

he guards and introduced myself to the Beta along the way. He bowed his head

people?" Because I was worried, I inquired. No one, not even the janitors, was in

for you and your mate and your father and..." The Beta drew out

tioned with a grea

tter? The Beta always seems to be right behind us, like a

on his words

e was wearing a veil that covered her face, but it was such a thick veil that it was

bowed deeply in deference to t

y first thought was that she must be a member of some sort of

d up her veil and screamed in a hysterical manner, "fuck dammit! She is so ug

no, it wasn't my dad who had the audacity to s

a question, "What th

aughter! And you…. Yo

f that? But I can't carry out such a task.

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