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Wyoming Cowboy

Chapter 2 Stacey's p.o.v

Word Count: 1623    |    Released on: 14/05/2022


head back to my room to cuddle for the next few hours. We wake to my alarm going off. “No dilly-dallying today guys mama’s got to be somewhere very important, I say.” After getting the kids dressed, fed, and on the bus I had to take Liam across town to my mom and dad’s house so they could watch him while I’m in court. I drop him off and head to the courthouse to wait on my lawyer. I see my soon-to-be-ex climb out of his car and head into the courthouse. I start walking that way when I hear my name being called from behind me, “Stacey, Stacey wait a minute, please.” It’s my so-called best friend Abby. “What do you want Abigail, I ask?" I keep walking up the stairs not slowing my pace. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want to hurt you by telling you.” “So you let this go on for months and let me look like a fool while he’s out in town with his girlfriend.” “I’m really sorry Stacey, she says.” “Well, it’s not going to matter in a few weeks anyway.” "What do you mean by that, she asks?” “The kids and I are moving to Wyoming.” “Stacey, you can’t be serious.” “I’ve already got a job and a place to live." “You don’t know anyone there, she pleads.””That’s the point, I say." I turn away from her just in time to see Dustin standing there. “Oh good there for a minute I thought we were gonna have to be the ones that moved, he said.” “No Dustin you are welcome to stay here and be with your girlfriend as long as you want. The sooner this divorce is final the better for me.” We head into the courtroom with our lawyers and listen to the judge award me eight hundred dollars in child support and full custody of the kids. That certainly didn’t make Dustin happy. As I was leaving the courthouse I was pushed to the ground with a hard shove, “Why won’t you just let him go, she yells at me?” I look up to see this slim young woman standing over me. Next thing I know Dustin is picking me up off the ground. “Madison, why would you push her down?" “I just want this fat cow to let you go so we can get married already, she says.” I wrap my arms around my waist to cover my stomach. Dustin notices but doesn’t say anything about it. “Let’s just go Madison, he says.” They walk hand in hand away from me. Not once does he look back at me? I shake my lawyer's hand and head to my Toyota Camry. On my way home I stop at the grocery store and do some shopping then head to pick up Liam from my parents. They know what’s going and they don’t understand how he could do this to his family. I get home just before the kids are let off the bus. They help me to put away the groceries and get supper ready. The days seem to consist of packing, cleaning, laundry, and school. I try to pack only what we

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