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Wyoming Cowboy

Wyoming Cowboy


Chapter 1 Stacey's p.o.v

Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 14/05/2022

s ago but I’ve had three kids in that time. Yeah, maybe I’ve let myself go but do our vows mean nothing to him. I don’t know what I’m going to do. It’s going to be all over town tomorrow. Our divor

waitress. That’s what I was doing when I met Dustin. He looked good walking into the cafe I used to work at. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans with a ball cap on. He was so handsome I nearly melted when he talked to me. He was new to town and having been born and raised in Midway Utah I would defiantly know where was hiring. We shortly started dating and within a year we were married and soon came Isaac. It was a beautiful wedding. Our colors were blue and ivory. All our families came and supported us in our union. I climb in the tub and relax where are we going to live? I would be packing up everything and moving us almost six hours away. I need to do what’s best for my kids and that’s moving away. After relaxing and doing a lot of soul searching I had finally made up my mind. I crawl into bed just after midnight and curl up in a ball. Just let the anger fester and you will have the strength to move on. The next morning I wake to my two-year-old on the monitor saying, “mama, mama, eat food." I slowly make my way to his room and scoop him up. I walk over to his brother who shares a room with Liam and said, "Morning sunshine it’s a brand new day.” I watch as Isaac stretches and yawns trying to open his eyes. “Just five more minutes mom, please.” “No can do buddy we got to get up and around before the bus gets here.” I quickly change Liam and get him ready for the day. I leave him in the room with his brother and walk across the hall to my baby girl Penelope’s room to wake her and help her get ready for school. After everyone is dressed and fed I head upstairs to change into a beautiful summer dress and sandals. “Mom, the bus is coming soon, Pen says.” “I’m coming sis, I holler from my room.” I rush down the stairs and scoop Liam out of his highchair. We race to the end of the driveway and sure enough, here comes the bus. I wave to the two older kids and walk with Liam back into the house. I decided that once I put him down for his nap I will start filling out applications and look for rentals. The morning goes by quickly as I clean up the mess from breakfast and do some laundry. I plan on telling Dustin at court next week that we are packing up and moving. This heartache is going to make me a stronger woman and mother. I hope it does at least. Once I put Liam down for his afternoon nap I set down at the computer and start looking for places to rent. It’s like it was meant to be, on the first page was a nice looking house on a few acres. This could be the place. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a nice kitchen, and a fireplace and it seemed to be in my price range as well. I scroll down the page and find the number to contact the landlord. Ring, ring, ring… “Hello, this is Charles Stanton speaking.” “Hi, yes my name is Stacey Rankin and I was calling abou

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