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Forever More

Chapter 3 Zander's p.o.v

Word Count: 1185    |    Released on: 08/05/2022

I studied her face and noticed a black and purple bruise on her face. "Who hit my mate," I growl? "Ummm umm well she was late to do the chores so she needed to be disciplined," Alpha Mace says. "So you hit her in the face?" "Yeah, well she needs to learn her place," that little coward Lucas was next to speak. "Z, if you don't rip him apart I will," says Ben. I'm about to lose control when I hear a small gasp from my young mate. I look down as her eyes flutter open and I see her purple eyes up close and I know that I have finally found my mate. "What is your name little one," I ask her.

Her voice is like smooth velvet when she says "Joelle, Alpha Zander." "Please don't call me alpha. It's just Zander to you." I look to my Beta who doesn't look too happy and is fighting for control to protect his Luna. "You need to show that punk who we are," Ben tells me. "Silence!" I roar more talking to Ben but hey if that little twerp shuts up and stops talking about my mate like he is I'm going to hurt him and end up going to war. On second thought I know exactly what we will do. I gently pick up my frail mate and freeze when she jumps at the contact. Sparks and warmth are the two things I feel for sure but there is one other feeling I can't place. Wait.... she's grateful. Has no one stood up for my tiny wolf? "Oh her wolf isn't tiny my man," Ben says. "What? Let me see Ben." "Nope, not until she is safely home with us. Zander, you honestly have no idea what our mate can do. However, she doesn't know what she is capable of just yet." 
 She's better than we could have ever hoped for in getting a mate. "Joelle and Willow are still getting to know each other." "What do you mean?" "How old are you little wolf?" "Seventeen today Alpha." "Today is your birthday," Alpha Mace asks? "Yes, Alpha, Alpha Lucas and I share a birthday." "Wait a minute you call him Alpha?" Ben is about to come unglued if we don't hurry this meeting up and I get her home. I race to a chair and sit my little mate on my lap. She doesn't weigh enough. She's too skinny. She moves to get up but I hold her still. "Now can we get this meeting over with so I can get my mate and go back to our packhouse?" "Ummm I don't understand Alpha Zander," the spineless idiot Alpha Mace says to me. "What's not to understand Alpha Mace? After this meeting is over with I will be taking my mate and her things and we are leaving." "She can't just leave." I go to speak but my little mate begins to shake with rage and I hear the meanest growl I would ever think my sweet girl could have made and she jumps to her feet in a hot second. "Oh, I can't leave?" "Joelle, what's wrong honey?" "They were going to kick me out after this weekend anyway." "Why you little ungrateful....." "I wouldn't finish that sentence towards my mate if I were you young wolf," Ben growls. Yep, he's at the surface clawing to rip this little worm to pieces. I push her behind me as I stand, "I think you better back up young Alpha before something or someone makes you, I tell him. This is MY MATE and you will respect her and her wolf." "Wolf? What wolf? She is wolfless." All I do is smile, are you sure? "Joelle, my love can you tell me what I smell like to you?"

Joelle's pov (earlier that morning)
 "Hello, little one." "Who said that?" "It was I says the voice inside of my head. I am your wolf. My name is Willow and we are going to do great things together you and I." "Where have you been? I waited for you to show up and you weren't there." "I know little one I know. However, you will understand soon enough why I didn't make myself known. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You will see what we are capable of in no time little one. We are very special you and me. We are going to change the world. Things are about to get better for you in the next few days." "Willow, what color are you?" "Oh goodness here let me show you. Let's shift and go for a run." "We can't do that the warriors are patrolling the grounds as we speak." "That's okay little one, I'll show you something you have that is very rare. We can mask that you have a wolf and mask our smell." "Let's go outside already then," I say. I sneak down the stairs and out the back door. Listening to everything now that I have my wolf. I hear the rain gently tapping on the tin roof, I smell the fresh-cut grass, and I see the beautiful creek down the path. But what gets me is I feel powerful. I feel like I can take on the world. "Now Joe, what I need you to do is take a deep breath and relax. You won't feel a thing. I will shield you from the shift. Remember just breathe and relax." As I breathe in and out I try my hardest to envision what she will look like. "Okay, open your eyes little one." Opening my eyes I see that my paws are completely white but almost glitter with silver. I step back inside our minds and let Willow control our movements. "Let's run to the creek," I say. Upon our arrival, I see the purest of the white wolf that glistens silver in the moonlight. "Something you should know little one is that you are a hybrid. Half wolf half-witch and you will be getting your powers in the next few days. Let me show you one of my favorite powers you have. Shift back and I'll explain." "I don't have any clothes, Willow." "Just shift back and you will see." As I shift back I realize I am in a gorgeous light blue dress. "I have clothes, Willow." "Yes, little wolf you do.... but that is just one thing you can do. I want you to close your eyes and imagine blue flames in your palm." I close my eyes and start to feel the palm of my hand become warm but not burning. I open my eyes and see that there are blue flames in the palm of my hand.

into my beautiful wolf and we run back to the house. I have never felt this free. Could it b

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