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Forever More

Chapter 2 Joelle's p.o.v

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 08/05/2022

ice, I heard him call my name. "Joelle, please come in here." I opened the door and kept my head low. You called me Alpha, I say. I heard him walk towards me and I saw his very nice dress shoes

so you can't mess up Lucas' birthday this weekend. So you need to be ready to leave when one of them takes you and not complain about it." "Yes, Alpha." "You know Joe (he's trying to rile me up) I will be glad to be rid of you before Lucas' eighteenth birthday." "Yes, Alpha." I look back down because honestly, it's making me uncomfortable to look into this man's eyes. All I see is evil seeping from his soul. They say the eyes are the window to one's soul. I would believe it. This pack needs to be w

m they are talking about. Alpha Zander Joesph Hellborne of the Brimstone pack. He is the alpha of the most feared pack in Colorado. It's said nobody knows how big his pack is for sure but we all know that it's huge. That's not all of it though, he's only twenty-two years old. "Joelle!" I j

Zander's pov
 "Tell me again why I had to come to this pack Derrick," I say to my Beta. "Well, Zander that little sh*t stain of a son that Alpha Mace has is turning eighteen Saturday and it's an alpha meeting along with him needing allies. And don't forget you still are looking for your mate." "Look, Derrick, I have almost had it with trying to find her. What if she is dead?" "Just one more time Z. You are my very best friend and I just want you to be happy." "Fine just this last one and if I don't find her I will just choose Elizabeth back home. She's our best warrior and the strongest female. She will make a great Luna." "Okay Z you win. After this, I won't bring it up again." "Let's just get to the hotel before I beat you a**." "You wish Z! I'm too strong for you." They play box each other laughing without a care in the world. They make it to their rooms saying they will meet back in the morning to head over to the Firestone pack. "Moon Goddess if you can hear me let me find my mate this weekend. I have to find my Luna." Zander decides that it's best to shower now than wait to do it when he wakes. After his shower, he sends one more silent prayer to the moon goddess before he drifts off to sleep. "Wake up Z it's time to start getting ready to head to the packhouse and meet the other alphas." "Yeah yeah Derrick, I hate you man you know that right?" "Nah my man you love me." "Come on let's go, dude." He runs from me when I growl and fling my pillow at him. "I'm going to beat your head in my guy," I mindlink him I hear him laughing at me. I get out of bed and dress in my best because let's face it they need to know whom they are messing with when it comes to me. I walk out at the same time as Derrick and make our way down to the elevator and down to the SUV. Derrick hates the way I drive so he drives us and a few of the warriors I brought with us to the packhouse. I smell her before I see her apples and cinnamon but when I see her stand there with her head bowed I already know who and what she is to me. 
 "MATE," I hear Ben my wolf and I say at once. I hear a grasp and I see the prettiest purple eyes look up at me. "MATE," we say again. I figured out she knew who I was when she passed out and I just barely made it to her in time.

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