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Billionaire’s un forsaken love

Chapter 4 Good moments

Word Count: 2092    |    Released on: 03/05/2022

their arrival, they sat beside the window, they passed their command, Liam ordered for just a soft drink, whereas Jenny was going in for rice and chicken and ordered alcohol while waiting to be served

r mother, her mother was feeling bad, as Selma kneeled on the floor and asked why they were poor, she asked if it was a crime to be poor, she was tired of been driven every day for school fees, the students and equally the administrators always referred to her as a debtor, as her name was always included every time students were to be driven for school fees. Her mum promised to do her possible best for her, Selma got up wiped her tears, and started packing things inside, back home the yam in the pot had slept, they had been eating this famous yam for two days, Selma was no longer bothered as she was already used to eating food for more than two days, what she did was just warm the yam served her mum and herself after they had eaten and taken some rest, they went to bed. Liam was still with the Ayanne's but he was already done, he was on his way going, Mr. Felix and Mrs. Britney sent their salutations to his parents through him, Jenny accompanied him to the gate till he drove out, came back into the house she went directly to her room took her shower and went to bed. Liam was still on his way home, once he arrived home, his mum was seated on one of the chairs waiting for him, just as he entered he heard someone calling his name as he raised his head to find out who the person was, he discovered it was his mother, Mrs. Zheng, she asked why he came back late and he said he was dining with the Ayanne's. Immediately he said that his mum smiled. The next morning, Liam was up he took his bath, dressed up and went down for breakfast before going out for work, on arriving the table, his parents were already eating even Etanne was present and equally already eating, he asked himself if he was late for work because usually, he used to be the first before they all follow him, but he checked his time and discovered he wasn't late, he comfortably took a sit, had breakfast and left for the hospital, when he arrived his assistant was present and was just handling the work shit for the day. It wasn't long, the Ayanne's van landed, Mrs. Britney and Jenny stepped out of the van and went towards the staff, they were having a meeting, she was about to inform them that Jenny was gonna work in the hospital as a cardiologist and as the daughter to the owners of the hospital she needed maximum respect from the staff, after the meeting they all dispersed themselves everyone went to their area of work and Jenny was been taken to her new office, she installed herself, admiring her office as it was decorated with one of her favorite colors. Mei Chao had succeeded in getting some money so Selma could pay her fees, she was very happy as she wouldn't miss school, Selma was very bright at school, she was the best student in her class and was that kind of student who didn't love been absent, she believed after her studies she was going to get a good job which going to get her out of poverty, including her mother. She paid her school fees went to class and was copying her notes, her best friend Jiang was happy to see her back. Back at the hospital, Liam was consulting his patients after consultation, he got a little bit bored at his office, he took some minutes to go hang out around the reception, for some minutes he was seated there and a girl entered the hospital, she was discussing with the receptionist, she needed to be consulted since as Liam wasn't yet in his office, the receptionist delayed a little bit. Jenny was on her going out to go have something to eat, on her way out she met the girl at the reception, for five minutes, she couldn't stop staring at the

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