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Billionaire’s un forsaken love

Chapter 2 At the party

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 03/05/2022

had been there for about 30 minutes ago, he was just standing beside t

t was all about her arrival after staying out of the house for close to eight years, the surprise kept a bright smile on her face, she was glad to see her old friends, family and family friends, she was equally glad to see her cousin Sasha. She toyed around to see those who were present at her surprised party organized by her parents, she met her boyfriend's younger brother, she met her parents-in-law to be, they warmly welcomed her she stayed with them for about 20 minutes and continued walking around, everybody knew in the hall that she was walking around to greet the guest, but that wasn't true, Jenny was searching for some particular person and that was Liam, she searched for him everywhere including the terrace, but Liam was nowhere to be found, and started asking her self what might have blocked Liam making him absent at her party. She rushed to her mum, looking at her it showed she was about to pour some tears, her mum who already knew what was going on just pretended Liam had a lot to do at the hospital, and couldn't be present at the party. When Britney said that to her daughter, Jenny's nerves calmed down, and she told her mother first thing tomorrow she was gonna be at the hospital to ask Liam if the patients were more important than her, Mrs. Britney agreed to Jenny's suggestion and proposed they should leave for the hospital together, Jenny accepted and went back inside to meet her friends and the rest of the guests, just as she entered her father was behind her, she didn't have to turn to know it was her father, already from the perfume, she knew it was her lovely dad, she turned and embraced her dad warmly, she was happy to meet again with him after 8 years of complete separation. Mr. Felix handed over his gift to Jenny, she opened it right in front of h

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