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Chapter 6 6th chapter

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 08/01/2022

the entire night waiting for her husband and c

ould feel was a space with cold bedsheets which implied that he didn't sleep on the bed. A smile crinkled at the corner of her mouth as she muttered, "He chose to sleep with

me and prepare one for her husband before he went to work. Most times, she would get assistance from her other employees in circumstances when her house helps would

age, she closed her eyes

d for her for he had promised her one. Suddenly, she heard a clatter in the kitchen and with the impression that it was her mo

n the boiling water on

ar, how

ith children. Rose had given her a double increment of her salary because she was a hardworking and faithful worker whom she could count on for anything conc

rling her hand around her an

ny. Have you seen da

he's stil

ngling on the wall. It was 8:30 am already, whi

go to the office today, don't you think so?" She said with c

r. I am not sure though because

ut seeing." She retorted with a gigg

retrospect with a sense of humour. Shalom smiled bubbly and contemplated in silence, her ears open to her father's voice. She had gotten used to Jen



wisely consider before letting it out. Her eyes narrowed studying Shalom's expression; something was haunting her mind. Jenny had known Shalom since she was a toddler and understood that she was a sensitive

omething bo

was not ready to open up to her, and she, not wishing to goad her into answe

. Jenny smiled at her arrival and then offered her a seat at the table. Jenny needed not to a

ue- I mean t

ion and the latter instantly jerked

She said opening her arms

now it was a fantastic one," Rose said with discernible

iserably, her sudden expression contra

at Jenny who had been listening to their conversation and then lowered her eyes as she shrunk in her seat not knowing how or what to tell her expectant

ll break it," Lim shouted as

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