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Chapter 4 4th Chapter

Word Count: 1069    |    Released on: 08/01/2022

saw her mother's face. The latter had endeavoured to paint it wi

quickly leapt off the bed and ran into her arms. "

well. It was just a small misu

with fragility, pee

of love; you know how much he cares about you. I too have forg

e reasons which she deemed fit

he will never lay his hand on you again." Shalom

with chagrin and remorse. More often than not, man is weak in haste to yield to temptation without considering the gross impact of his act

ly do it. I would rather be thought weak than lose my two heels. I acted out of impulse,

nie and was teary-eyed. This wa

d him with respect. Seeing her father break down in tea

because of her father's sordid action, but was convinc

ite again. It was a moment to reckon with. They hugged and their hearts were warm again. Rose read her daughter's si

rassing me!" She gave a mirthless laugh a

p and that so soon. He had been under the misapprehe

Lim said with vitality, his face

om hopped up

ave pizz

e asserted with enthusias

had happened earlier and Lim advanced and

and call the pizza man. I left

n a minute." Implored Rose

rs playing with his daughter feeling a plenit

s soon as they left. She had smelt alcohol whe

even a sip of wine!" She was perturbed because it was now definite to her that if he had drunk alcohol

d mumbling worry manifesting on her face. She had a sense of foreboding that Lim might end up addicted to booze if he had tasted it already.

ew slippers slapping the stairs a

with goggle eyes and instantly the glittering new slip

e are nice

ought them, do

e! Your dad is a

her mom looked squeamish although she tri

l upset with dad?

m? I am absol

if she trusted her intuition. Rose solidly refuted though she knew that her daught

asked, trying to divert he

er hand tightly in Rose's and pulled her off the bed. "Alright, dear, take it easy

down downstairs. Lim had just tak

his." He gestured on the phone and sprung up going out. A few minutes later he ca

?" Rose asked. The unexpected

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