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Ethan Creed Ant The Twelve Zodiac Guardian

Chapter 6 My Power

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

nt because of wha

you have any news on what has happened in

have to do is find another guardian, maybe there’s on

r if you stay here first, there's a vacant room in

dn't come in and said goodbye, while Ethan's

her room while Ethan and

is hard for you," Jacob tapped his son's s

fferent, this glass, I don't wear it because my eyes are blurry,

. It's just a coincidence that you're

wer for the first time and I'm afraid of other thing

ur mother and I raised you to be a good and g

'm lucky because you and mama g

t use your power especially on many people. Because it can cau

are afraid of things they don't know, Don't w

ears streaming

the conversation betwe

go and just go ba

thes Ethan was wearin

e little clothes as s

ci agreed to practice so that Ethan

rk when Luci knock

have unique powers, and as I told you my element is fire. I can control any

asked and tried to let the fire out of his hand. Bu

, you can use all the elements. You just need to recharge,

nd touched Eth

e, but his fear was immediately dispelled whe

ou can use all at once. That's one of the q

ather calls Black zodiac, what can they do?" he a

one thing they also have a su

ended when th

se together to get r

was cooking their breakfast, while

im and showed the news in the newspape

des the meteor,” Leci said. while loo

er interjected, taking the newspaper and mak

eak and started eating. "Guys, good morning," Dexter

smiling as Ethan's moth

they left the

dian, I'm sure the Black Zodiac is aboa

st night and I found out 16 years ago, a meteor cr

d out was that when the couple came out the day the meteor fell, they were

useful too!" said Le

sked as Leci walked straight a

guardians!" Levi replie

man Let's go!" Dexter calls hi

done nothing bu

pered, this is the first time

re lucky enough to be picked up

they took the b

at them. It followed the bus they were riding. "Let's see w

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