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Ethan Creed Ant The Twelve Zodiac Guardian

Chapter 2 Dreams

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 22/07/2021


re going to be late!

waking Ethan up, but

asses that were on the

ted at his mother. He got

ed, son of Ava

th the preaching of

ced the mirror and

p again in the mi

sea, sometimes he was in the middle of lava, then he was swallo

went to his mother in the kitchen. He immedia

and that is also your 16th birthday, what do you w

rket, after that we can have dinner," Ethan respond

ends coming?" Av

irthday plans are, Where's my father? "

r lunch. I made an extra for your best friend D

go," he kissed his mother a

ht to the barn wh

he swimming and soccer t

s father who was b

t the result will be," Jacob remin

bye!" He

when he found Ethan didn't happen,

here Ethan's spaceship was

him know the tru

hey were not his real parents, but

dden, he touched the letter in front of him, and like be

problem he went out and

the place where he is waiting f

you so long? "He ask

behind you, but you can't hear m

ut is approaching. I plan to jo

up when he saw

soccer team? Dexter whispered bec

g and placing it on his ear. He knew that his friend was aga

has hot blood for you," Dexter whispere

ven from afar he could hear what people were talking

you need t

en waking you up for a l

he looked around and when he saw the

down the b

ill lingered

are you going to do when Dylan scolds you! when you're wit

chool knows how much his f

Dylan's anger turned to him. It didn't affect Ethan because he was one of the school's scholars and he w

red as he quickly hid behind Ethan when

y out for the soccer team? Haha, are you

in. He immediately looked around. Ethan's gaze stopped at a w

to you!" Dylan angr

when he looked at the

" asked a teacher, who

advice for his tryout later," Dylan gri

advice for his tryout later," Dylan gri

an and Dexter. Ethan immediately walk

ing for? Come on and we'

nd walked to t

woman standing th

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