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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1008    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

em to say whatever inside their mind. They looke

lifestyle because you're already an adult and I know that you can make your own decision but.. now, we bo

me to grow up and st

ry childish." My mom said and I know that she cares fo

I was hurt

" My dad aske

eeping around is not the answer,

now. I was mad, I think." I said

nge a marriage with you. Ugh.. how do I say th

his guy because he's a really good and caring guy." My mom said and I know what the

d and my parent

dad asked a

again because I bet they both did

about this guy.. you

nd like each other.. yeah." My

ur brother. He's a surgeon and he's a really good

if I don't like him, can

cision will come first in this case." My mom cut me

lly like the feel of having a broken heart. It made me change a lot in every way. I know that.. I'

rned to the door and found my grandmother smiling at me. She walked into

eavesdropping?" I asked and she

one who broke your heart." She said a


girls and I was done with him at that time. I mean.. no

ou just leave him a

ink and I understand that you don't want to fall in love again be

happy without him. You're capable to be with someone else.. make him regret that he left you just because he's still

ny." I said a

evenge on Caleb." She sa

use he's still in my circle and

omething to take over your emotion by sleeping around but please stop it.. I know Cesantio blood is

try to meet Gabriel?"


ant me to kick Caleb's ass.. I can." S

m 23 almost 24 so.. yeah. I think it's time for a

for making

hy we want you to change." She

I guess it's t

in a flick. Take your time and enjoy your life. You're still so yo

. how about we go downstairs?" She asked as she put her hand in front of

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