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TGLES #2: Belong To Me

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 947    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

a Ces

g my hair. I decided to scroll through the news because it's b

I clicked on the Gold Lifes section and the first news was 'Where is Caleb Lemiere?

we see them. Where is Caleb Lemiere? Caleb Lemiere can't be seen since 2 weeks ago and no one knows where he is exce

a little worried about his conditio

re the Lemiere came to an event without him. Why didn't I notice that? I tried not to find him because I don't w

out it because I never thought he



, what's up

w?" I asked in a r

. uh

kay." I said because

er the Lemiere headquarters there." That got me speechl

om you but you noticed

rom me? Am I the only one that doesn't

sighed when I he



y doesn't like the idea of h

as to take.. I guess." But this is too much. Why

besides the headquarters in Canada needs someone to man


he just doesn't know how to express and treat you like one. He's still looking for himself because he's young and you too. You need tim

all. I looked at myself at the mirror not

Sadness. Wo

uess.. we do need time to think.. to heal our hearts.. to move on.. I bet he

ded. I got up and started to work but I can't conce

en happy because he's out of my life for a while but somehow I feel

ut, you want him around. What's wrong with me?

but still can't move on with each ot

ep breath and I took out my phone from my pocket. I turned it on and looked at Caleb's phone numb

t.. it's useless." I turned to see my

t need to

al man. He ran away f

" I said and my bro

iendship but an asshole when it comes to love. I don't care if he hurts a tons of

y to be together again." I said

and he walked inside. I put my cocktail do

way to be togeth

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