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The Possessive Choice Mate

Chapter 5 Wendy's point of view

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 14/06/2021

y here in Levis town, so I decided to stay here. I met Allie and she help me

me and I become the pack maid for five years until I met my mate. I told everything will be fine then but it turns out that

od. This dog is so close to me. I found him almost dying because of lack of foods. I fou

ll a presence staring at me. He walks out from the

wer radiating on

is spinning

r problem Lu

e and powerfu

rny wolf. She’s attracted to male wit

e not allowed

here. I’ll be leaving af

things to do inside. His presence ma

I feel his hand grab min

for a little l

butterflies. This is dangerous, he might kn

rd. I don’t thin

w Lucy? We just

. Just instin

ook at this guy and

mpany. I think he got problems. Ther

my break ends.” I look away and gi

Mark by the w

Mark. You’re an Alpha rig

e a rogue, how c

minutes. How about you? This side of land rarely visit

even it will not totally affect my system

ng? Or s

gs that make someone so ma

r mate or g

omes my little sister but she’s not in the pack anymore since she become the Luna of Moon Crescent pack.”

mate was kidnapped by rogue.” Stella is our beta’s mate. She was kidnappe

rom?” I don’t want him to

don’t want to associate my n

e or you’re trying to leave alone. It’

ack now. It’ nice talking you M

oo.” H

be. That man gives me foreign fee

rds me and sud

receive a big tip from the custo

t we can stay with their pack tomorrow.” She says

once felt wh

ey agree to let m

can be persuasive so

have to hide them all the time.” I said. I’m really happy. I think it’s tim

our things. My mate will pick

ught a glass of wine as last payment without them knowing. We party the whole night while pac

whenever she wanted. Thankfully she respects my decision to stay hidden inside of

she wanted. That make us get into fight with some of our customers at the bar. But that’s what I like her, she’s strong. She left her pack because

art of our new life. Life

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