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The Possessive Choice Mate

Chapter 4 The rogue girl

Word Count: 1269    |    Released on: 14/06/2021

shouldn’t be in this kind of area. We can spot ro

d have some drink. I never been in here but I hear from the other friend of mine that there’s a ba

sregard them. I’m not here for sex. I j

ng rogues around but I don’t feel killing them now. They

the sudden. He moves

s it?”

ething. Wait, I’ll go find it

n my way but I ignor

s.” I said to

me another gl

o those rogues. I can’t even say to myself that I can stop but I will try. I don’t want to leav

me. He is holding a girl that I smell a rogue. I rais

my mate, Allie

afraid of me. Well, who will n

bring her to the pack tomorrow. I

s alone. My friend w

lucky, because if she’s not Kayden’s

ey are like sister. Can we accept Wendy too in our pack? I’m sure they will not bring harm.” Kayden says. I can hint that he is

about it la

y alone Alpha, Kayden.

e it when someone makes me fee

oblem in the pack then we kill that Wendy. Kayden is our right ha

that girl too in the pack but once she became wild

a long time ago. I move and leave them. I sense another rogue outside the doo

ems okay with her presence. She’s smiling while patti

stared at her, at first you will mistake her look for Angel. They got simila

not allowed h

here. I’ll be leaving af

ve you here

ven know

grab her hand. She look’s

for a little l

he somehow resembles Angel’s or someth

t you dislike them all.’

stares at me for a moment and look to my hand

ore my break ends.” She says and

’m Mark by

ou Mark. You’re an alpha

re a rogue, how

ack the stray dog into a box near the door. I think she’s keeping it there. “How about yo

even it will not totally affect my system

ng? Or s

gs that make someone so ma

r mate or g

he blush for a moment. “She’s a rogue like you before I helped her and turn her into my pack members. She

lp one of our pack members when his m

k did you

’t want to associate my name wi

ne or you’re trying to leave alone. I

ck now. It’ nice talking you Mar

oo.” I

fter Wen left,

e and Wendy join our pack. This i

your mate. The other wolf is a probl

thank yo

orrow. We will be busy talking to the warri

at Angel told you a lon


pack now and that we’re leaving

ppy.’ I said

oice mate.’ I remember

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