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The Billionaire's Second Endeavour


Word Count: 2007 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 13/05/2021


ed a VIP area for us. The area was larger than the loungesā€”a semi-round couc

s plaƮt," said Vince,

walked past me with an odd grin glued

ing such an entrancing wo

couch with a leg over the other. He on

brey and I laughed. Aubrey worried more than my mother ever had whenever I went off to a club or a p

tently and my heart skipped a beat. He s

faster than expected. So, I came here to get some escape fro

was here for business as well, which


m a daughter to

. "I mean I'm the so

y around me. His Adam's apple bobbed while he took deep breaths and knea

if I said youā€™re m

rvous?" I snorted.

ntire glass of champagne, all the while holding his gaze. Who

y other girl would've jumped over me by now, especially with my looks an

, I wouldn't have b

is that many committed ladies have

...ā€ I gulped,

that, I wouldā€™ve been worried if he werenā€™t. An

ile tugging the side of his lips. ā€œBut being handsome doesn't necessarily mean that I'd have to lick your face.

cause I was that drunk, and he was marvellous. The alcohol was playing w

e. ā€œI am just used to people, particularly, women talking about m


the only normal p

mpliment. It's so nice t

gain as Vincent was about to speak. He looked at me and I sho

ay, he retorted, "You are not n

e pickup lines already." I flung my h

air behind my ears, he drew his face close to my ears

ith my mind and his hoarse voice, on top of

ing under the dimmed yellow light. He brushed his lips on mine, his warm breath hazing my senses. My entire body was cal

sed his lips on mine. I stiffened, my hands fisting over my knees as a familiar ache followed

motions but above all, desire and longing. My chest heaved and I gulped, not knowing ho

his thumb on my lips. The tenderness in his touch was enough to make me forget all the t

e lapel of his jacket into a rough kiss, my hands cupping h

im. He deepened the kiss while caressing my cheeks with his warm fingers. With him, I failed to r

argaritas. Whatever it was, I didn'

d his kisses down to my throat. He licked and grazed his teeth right over the pulse point, making a soft moan leap out of my

ed down my neck and tha



that way. That filthy asshole! Because not even my cold glare coul

by the side of her face. I wanted to graze his hands on her smooth cheeks down he

didn't kiss me back. I tried to force my mind to believe that my move was too sudden for her to react

r from me or something

mouth with a hint of strawberry. The boundary between me and my control shattered and the next thing I knew, I was already on top of her, fondling her tongue with my own while m

easts, a sharp sensation pierced my lips a

mouth as I sucked onto my bottom lip. What the hell? Generally, when I made a move on a girl, they coope

that for?"

cry. I felt betrayed. My mind tried pointing out the reasons why she was so uncomfor

right at this moment, it was her. I craved her. She was different a

ut as the saying goesā€”habit is the second nature that

hould drop you home" wa

. She sat in silence and got up when the waiter handed my card back. Iā€™d even tried t

was mentall

zed by her expression how regretful she was and when I parked the car in

own. I wanted to end our meeting on peaceful terms, without having to hold grudges against e

umbled Joy, clearing her t

ppear on her lips, a smile so genuine that a fluttery feeling spread across my chest, making

. It was nice kn

r. I wanted to pull her back in and kiss the heck out of her. Take her right here in the

re walking out of the car and cl

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1 Chapter 1 A GRAND WEDDING2 Chapter 2 SOME MOONS AGO3 Chapter 3 PARIS: THE FIRST MEET4 Chapter 4 PARIS: THAT AWKWARD MOMENT5 Chapter 5 PARIS: A SUDDEN URGE6 Chapter 6 PARIS: THE UNEXPECTED7 Chapter 7 PARIS: THE SHORT TOUR8 Chapter 8 PARIS: HIGH UP9 Chapter 9 PARIS: A FEW QUESTIONS10 Chapter 10 PARIS: THEIR LAST NIGHT11 Chapter 11 REMEMBRANCE AND HEARTACHES12 Chapter 12 WHERE WE LEFT OFF13 Chapter 13 LATE NIGHT DECISIONS14 Chapter 14 V S EARLY MORNING DECISIONS15 Chapter 15 ALL IT TOOK16 Chapter 16 UNFINISHED CONVERSATIONS17 Chapter 17 I NEED YOU18 Chapter 18 OBSERVATION DOCK pt. 119 Chapter 19 OBSERVATION DOCK pt. 220 Chapter 20 SHE WAS GONE21 Chapter 21 SOME SECRETS ARE BETTER BURIED22 Chapter 22 PLANS23 Chapter 23 NEW BUSINESS PARTNERS24 Chapter 24 NIGHTMARES AND SECOND CHANCES25 Chapter 25 AFTER PARTY26 Chapter 26 THE MASKED AUTHOR27 Chapter 27 FURTHER INTO THE MATTER28 Chapter 28 UNCOMFORTABLE29 Chapter 29 CONFRONTATIONS30 Chapter 30 NIGHT OF PLEASURES pt. 131 Chapter 31 NIGHT OF PLEASURES pt. 232 Chapter 32 NEW BONDS33 Chapter 33 NEW MOMENTS34 Chapter 34 BROKEN DREAMS35 Chapter 35 A BAD BETRAYAL36 Chapter 36 LONDON: SOMETHING SO PAINFUL37 Chapter 37 AND YET SO BEAUTIFUL38 Chapter 38 ONE OF THE DAYS39 Chapter 39 MUMā€™S ADVICE40 Chapter 40 A GOOD SUNDAY pt. 141 Chapter 41 A GOOD SUNDAY pt. 242 Chapter 42 CHANCES SO DIVINE43 Chapter 43 BETTER LATE THAN NEVER44 Chapter 44 TOO MANY SECRETS45 Chapter 45 THE RETURNED46 Chapter 46 ANYTHING FOR YOU47 Chapter 47 TO LISTEN AND ACCEPT pt. 148 Chapter 48 TO LISTEN AND ACCEPT pt. 249 Chapter 49 EVERYTHING GOOD50 Chapter 50 EVERYTHING BAD51 Chapter 51 HURTFUL REVELATIONS52 Chapter 52 SOME HURTFUL MEMORIES53 Chapter 53 ACTIONS ARE NEEDED54 Chapter 54 HER UTOPIA55 Chapter 55 BROKEN OR ALONE56 Chapter 56 SOMETHING WRONG57 Chapter 57 AN UNUSUAL FEELING58 Chapter 58 A WILD NIGHT pt. 159 Chapter 59 A WILD NIGHT pt. 260 Chapter 60 END OF THE NIGHTMARES61 Chapter 61 EVERYTHINGā€™S BETTER62 Chapter 62 HIDDEN TRUTHS63 Chapter 63 A LOT MORE PROBLEMS64 Chapter 64 THREE STAGES OF ANGER65 Chapter 65 THE FOURTH STAGE66 Chapter 66 EPILOGUE67 Chapter 67 Author's Note