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The Billionaire's Second Endeavour


Word Count: 2421    |    Released on: 13/05/2021



the cream marble floors stinging my eyes. So, when my childhood

e just saved me from," I said as we walke

oloured hair. "On second thoughts, please don't.

ucky as you. I had n

rong, bro. You did have a choice. It's your fault you didn't take

option. But if someone was as practical as me they'd kno

. I wanted to know why this place was called the city of love, not that

sy with a small dance floor on one side and a sitting area on the other. The lig

te well," I yelled, trying to reac

t job. I had low cash on me. No bungalow to crash in. Turns out the schoo

ed you to stay

palms out in defeat and Cole smiled—"besides, this place nee

re tough,

, watching me give my favourite I-warned-you nod. "Y

d couch, I exhaled a heavy sigh. The dance floor was full of drunkards dancing their butts off

't it?" He laughed. "No

y attention trailed off as my eye

er red body-con dress hugged her body in all the right places. Something about her was luring me toward her. Maybe i


es. The taller one wore a tight mini dress, tight especially around her

prendre un ve

ke to have a

pleading eyes. Turning back to the girl

t? Have

ricain?" the t

ou Ame

adn't used fake IDs myself, I wouldn't have

ain. Mon ami est bri

ican. My frie

, “Do you think they have a kink?

u watche

ne and he gave me a judgemental gla

narrowing my eyes at them to which Cole stomped on

old are y

s stared at me, uncomfortably. "Look man, I haven't slep

t you see? These are ki

g. At this point I was sure the other girl wasn

re tw

ly added, shaking

she was planning something sinistrous. Not so shy after all. This was how the gir

up, shaking my hea

Fine, go! At least don't go back to your hotel. I migh

my ho

ons aren’t as luxurious as they used to be,” Cole cooe

onde who’d had all my attention since the moment I stepped into this club. My pref

he drink in her hand with her friend nowhere in s

rfect opportunity to i



ad been zoning out since the last twenty minutes of our conversation and when caught, I just n

She was Dad’s assistant and giving her intuitions

oject. It seemed too easy. Development projects are based on trust, Julia, and

ghed. “With the rising competitors, he fears staying behind. But yes, I agree with you. These i

y more amount than the on

eal. I worried about Dad’s company and Dad, of course. But I was more worrie

ked at her golden-coloured wrist

are you

d adjusted her dress over he

project were over and I could at least rest a day before I

d. “It’s more of a

at she meant and nodded. “Then, I’ll see you ba

l go for a tour. I know some great places.” Pressing her hand

o Dad, claiming it was for my sake, disturbed me. Dad was already upset at me for sending my resumes to the publishing houses. On top of that, he was beyond

nother. My muscles were already loosening and

ur," a raspy voice

ad me going speechless almost instantly. I didn't know an eye colour like that existed and he, most cert

s a big shot, maybe because of his God-like looks. I couldn't help but laugh at them a

me, I was embarrassed at my neglige

aid. What brings you her

d to be very close to me...someone who’d only given me painful memories to bear.

g back at him, my voice barely audibl

a few minutes ago." He sm

ore gulping the remaining drink and slamming the empty glass on the bar. I was

hadn't bothered me all this time as much as this man’s presence was. He was insanely handsome not to

a tad busy." He shot an embarrassing

arming his way with two girls. Even his friend was handsome, like so

ss than what he does..." I smacked myself at the back o

was excited, sad or anxious, which she was all the time. Some people got

e a trafficker, a kidnappe

I couldn’t help but hold my laughter t

o my vocabulary too.” He laughed it off. “Y

were straight out of the television commercial, and his grey eyes that were beyond compare. All of these made hi

d myself. But, hey, a g

men like him only looke

way too hands

"Does it b

ng. I had to run before it was too late but my mind had eventually stopped working and before I knew

t's you

rangers." It was definitely

hich he puckered his face. "Then le

t a better idea. Let's remain strange

e his gaze shuffled between me and his friend sitting b

k a name.

s quickly as the w

it was his real name or not but it sounded melodious

ame sui

ion I've been


sed a brow to w

he smile you


ard me. He leaned into my ears, my entire body stiffening with

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1 Chapter 1 A GRAND WEDDING2 Chapter 2 SOME MOONS AGO3 Chapter 3 PARIS: THE FIRST MEET4 Chapter 4 PARIS: THAT AWKWARD MOMENT5 Chapter 5 PARIS: A SUDDEN URGE6 Chapter 6 PARIS: THE UNEXPECTED7 Chapter 7 PARIS: THE SHORT TOUR8 Chapter 8 PARIS: HIGH UP9 Chapter 9 PARIS: A FEW QUESTIONS10 Chapter 10 PARIS: THEIR LAST NIGHT11 Chapter 11 REMEMBRANCE AND HEARTACHES12 Chapter 12 WHERE WE LEFT OFF13 Chapter 13 LATE NIGHT DECISIONS14 Chapter 14 V S EARLY MORNING DECISIONS15 Chapter 15 ALL IT TOOK16 Chapter 16 UNFINISHED CONVERSATIONS17 Chapter 17 I NEED YOU18 Chapter 18 OBSERVATION DOCK pt. 119 Chapter 19 OBSERVATION DOCK pt. 220 Chapter 20 SHE WAS GONE21 Chapter 21 SOME SECRETS ARE BETTER BURIED22 Chapter 22 PLANS23 Chapter 23 NEW BUSINESS PARTNERS24 Chapter 24 NIGHTMARES AND SECOND CHANCES25 Chapter 25 AFTER PARTY26 Chapter 26 THE MASKED AUTHOR27 Chapter 27 FURTHER INTO THE MATTER28 Chapter 28 UNCOMFORTABLE29 Chapter 29 CONFRONTATIONS30 Chapter 30 NIGHT OF PLEASURES pt. 131 Chapter 31 NIGHT OF PLEASURES pt. 232 Chapter 32 NEW BONDS33 Chapter 33 NEW MOMENTS34 Chapter 34 BROKEN DREAMS35 Chapter 35 A BAD BETRAYAL36 Chapter 36 LONDON: SOMETHING SO PAINFUL37 Chapter 37 AND YET SO BEAUTIFUL38 Chapter 38 ONE OF THE DAYS39 Chapter 39 MUM’S ADVICE40 Chapter 40 A GOOD SUNDAY pt. 141 Chapter 41 A GOOD SUNDAY pt. 242 Chapter 42 CHANCES SO DIVINE43 Chapter 43 BETTER LATE THAN NEVER44 Chapter 44 TOO MANY SECRETS45 Chapter 45 THE RETURNED46 Chapter 46 ANYTHING FOR YOU47 Chapter 47 TO LISTEN AND ACCEPT pt. 148 Chapter 48 TO LISTEN AND ACCEPT pt. 249 Chapter 49 EVERYTHING GOOD50 Chapter 50 EVERYTHING BAD51 Chapter 51 HURTFUL REVELATIONS52 Chapter 52 SOME HURTFUL MEMORIES53 Chapter 53 ACTIONS ARE NEEDED54 Chapter 54 HER UTOPIA55 Chapter 55 BROKEN OR ALONE56 Chapter 56 SOMETHING WRONG57 Chapter 57 AN UNUSUAL FEELING58 Chapter 58 A WILD NIGHT pt. 159 Chapter 59 A WILD NIGHT pt. 260 Chapter 60 END OF THE NIGHTMARES61 Chapter 61 EVERYTHING’S BETTER62 Chapter 62 HIDDEN TRUTHS63 Chapter 63 A LOT MORE PROBLEMS64 Chapter 64 THREE STAGES OF ANGER65 Chapter 65 THE FOURTH STAGE66 Chapter 66 EPILOGUE67 Chapter 67 Author's Note