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Angelic Affairs

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 04/06/2018

e colour o

e occasional demon that poses a threat to my safety. They can smell my ange

ack slacks. It was an odd ensemble, even at twelve I gathered that much. I think it was when he transformed from a

good o

n imagine that I was running quite a bit faster than hum

he Lord's name, so every once in a while, I say his name, just

ing yours

thought, I

it. You open the door and bam, there's my bed, my vanity, my mirror, window, and just off to the side is the kitchen. Oh, a

as I checked t

tanced myself. "What the hell? You be

rdly sweating from my run. Stamina has always been on my side. I

estioned quieter. I fought

ou looked really hot in that outfit yesterday, where'd you go? You know, after that heroic thing you did?" She inquired, complimenting me. My mothe


brown hair is soft and it sits perfectly on my head, my eyes a brown, tinted red. My cheekbones are high, my jawline is sharp, my a

feel bad for taking all of this, like I stole it from someone else.

in blood." I frowned, look

I threw my backpack over my shoulder. Whether I liked it or not, I had hom

aid she'd see me for first period. I decided to walk, t


. It was the demonic part of me, always t

e... I thought

se around the building. Fucked up appearance and all, there was the brown haired boy from the party last night. From the side of him I could see, he was pret

n his blue eyes looked up and met mine. His eyes seemed to

ed as he continued to paint. I wal

as I came beside him. He was writing "HAPPY

" He questi

I asked." I retorted, cross

udely as he stopped painting to look at me. His height was roughly 5'8" an


I was letting him beat me up anyway. You think I can't take

I was going to ask for your name

lism. He had a duffel bag of paints on the ground beside him so I grab

opped int

?" He questioned as

ellow, then drew a halo over top of it. I reached back into the bag and grabbed a red spray pain

d back around the school and into the libra


a positive dude, but then I was like when you've been through what she's been through,

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