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Angelic Affairs

Chapter 2 TWO

Word Count: 1241    |    Released on: 04/06/2018

obably awkward silence but my parents

he most powerful being out

at? He just doesn't know

fore I fucked you? Now he has a

Hey guys, so could you like shut up for a couple hours? I was a mistake, this sh

. It reeked of demons in this place. That - or the air freshener was lemon scented. I'm going

h really sucks when you're 18 and you're trying t

mmed into me from the side. If it weren't for my inhuman reflexes, I would've gone tu

as Eric got on his knees and punched the guy in the face repeatedly. The boy's features, although beaten, were sharp. Jawline, cheekb

this. "Stop." I demanded, giving poor Eric a shot to take a break. He was c

n get my da

back, his body following soon after. The black haired boy was laying on the floor, drifting in a

l?" Eric asked, grippi

ye, I saw Eric fuming. I swear, he almost brushed his foot on the floor like a bull before charging. Humans, so predictable. I like to do eve

ad also dropped the boy getting out of the way. The brown haired kid groaned but staye

ing still as he circled me as if I were the prey in this situation. A real predator doesn't need to play

e that's what I am, but now I'm just being cynical. This is what happens when I don't do something bad for a long amount of time. I

to burn that

low. My wings subconsciously and I prayed that everyone was too busy watching Eric to n

popcorn when


und and took his feet out from under him. People say love makes you

nd I offered him a hand because unlike most people, I try to be honourable. I

t and slammed it into his face, knocking him out cold. The c

eyes landed on me and Eric, he sighed. I knew Seth hated Eric so I was pretty much do

over to h

ing down at my blood splattered pants and stomach. I tried t

e said angrily, running a b

the signs?" I deadpanned. "S

boy and brought him upstairs. The music had stopped sometime during the fight and someon

ard because it was a particularly chilly night. I went to the side of the house where there was a tall fence so it would cover most of my ascension. Another wave hit me like a truck and this time I

s, but I needed to do


y change because he's usually chill and more hum

o be a guy so tell me if I m

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