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Pathless Origins: Bane of the Gods

Chapter 2 Voices

Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 19/03/2018

waking up soldiers, in a futil

thousands of men were battling everywhere. The sounds

was prepared, he looked up and saw one of his comrades being behea

stopped near Artillian, the look

tened to do anything. His shield suddenly felt unbearable and his spe

his face. His eyes radiated killing intent. He held a spear in one hand and a sword in the other. Both weapons were as light as s

convinced that Artillian was dead. Pleased with his work, he walked past Artillian. He looked for his next prey. He immediately found a soldier who was dressing up

confident that no other soldiers were behind his back. There were at least a 5 meters of safe space around him. Only

his body in a fountain. He used his final moments to see the

f. He was positive that he had pierced the boy's heart, yet when he looked toward his chest

. He hated himself for letting his guard down; even though he was sure he ha

k. He had killed the man, whilst he was in a stupor. Although he wasn't fully

thing was off. He then noticed that his originally fair hair, which was dangling in front of his eyes, was turning white right in front o

nto a frown. Artillian then spoke in a




such vulgar language in

e as he looked left and right trying to figure out where the voice was sounding from, but the more he looked at his surroundings the m


ing by how weak you are now it will be impossible for you to fight al

....?." said Artillian while look

ind a safe place to hide in.

llian was confident that whoever was speaking to him was nowhere nearby, but now was not the time to be picky about such detai

ot worry about them I will deal with them, there is a

s raised not to

en to me or you die for a seco

did y

un!!!" shoute

an with no weapon in hand so the opposing soldiers saw him as an easy target, so a group three began to charge towards him with malicious glints

nique: Flaming Tige

to a sea of flames as it swept the battlefield burning everything and everyone it came into contact with. Artillian was shocked with

wn because he could not see where he was stepping so he had to be extra careful with his footing, and because of that it took him at least five minutes to cover 20

e explain to me my current situation and how you are just a vo

to recuperate. My name is Hestia, and I am a soul currently residing inside your body, how this happened I am not too

nd this also explains why you are in this situation. You see because you sucked in so much of my Divine Essence I was powerless to stop you from hitting the ground, and even though you did die beca

tion, all Artillian could

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