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Pathless Origins: Bane of the Gods

Pathless Origins: Bane of the Gods


Chapter 0 No Gods Can Save You From My Wrath

Word Count: 3832    |    Released on: 13/03/2018

orm. The girls wore plain blue tops and plain white skirts, the boys wore plain blue tops and plain white trousers

p was white, abundant with blue pattern, whilst her skirt was blue with a corresponding white pattern, on the left brea

re the fancy uniform. The male, and one of the females, displayed three st

ier Spirit Academy. Today, she was taking charge of a lesson, most lessons were handled by 5th and 6th year stud

, she had the complete trust of the academy, thus ther

ght by the Student Council President. This class were the lucky bunch

e eyes around the stadiu

udent Council President of the White Glacier Spirit Academy.

ll know you hate thi

ounced, as she pointed to the young woman behind her with the three stars. "This is my Treasurer, Woodzy."

g to you? Man, she is such a drag, I

n, the crowd would make a fu

ng red eyes, when her name was called, she put one hand on her

erely waved with one hand, the females went crazy over his little wave, some even scre

as strikingly beautiful as her companions, something about her meek looking demeanor made you want to protect her

But of course, I'm the only

most ev

epitome of physical perfection, a blonde bombshell with a curvy body, slim waist,

s pizza an

duties within the school, she also lectu

will she st


king. He was not handsome, but he was not displeasing to look at either, yet he had bags under his eyes showing how tired he was. The lad w

face, she was clearly not happy. This boy had yawned during h

Come forward." Alice demanded

m, not to mention, he was the only person with white hair. H

g 'Lady' Alice's spe

s an enemy out of 'Lady' Alice

would totally give anythin

d amongst themselves, in hushed tones. When he reached

?" Asked Alice, in her

illian Skye." Replied the

nt of her, considering his blunder. She was still

lian, why do you

on rather strange, he thoug

I didn't get

ith laughter when the

ieve he is t

my stomac

until Alice gestured for

t you get enough sleep?" Alice was anno

ast night." Artilli

students, this time, even the people

rrowed with suspicion. She didn't consider

o stand next to her, an

efore our lessons begin, let's have a quick round up of spirits, for ou

n as she said this, some held t

rect descendant of a God. These spirits exist in our bloodlines, and can only be awakened by a select few. Only one out of every ten humans is born with a spirit, and only one

word in hand. A water spirit can grant the power to manip

e are beast spirits, enhancement spirits, nature

r speed, strength or senses, nature spirits give you the ability to manipulate a force of nature, projection spirits are spirit

two or more types. These spirits

tation of that spirit's' true power. The more you tra

it has, for example, if your spirit has five skills, it is a fi

ase their spirit skills and abilities. Artillian here, has

volunteered for anything! It was clear

, plenty of people wanted to use this opp

rute with brown hair


stadium, waiting for the onsl

r's, and was well known for his violent nature. He came from a well-known noble family with a ve

te viewing area. Letisha picked up a pile of papers emot

is unknown and his spirit is called Pathless Origin, it is

tep it is, it is also a unique spirit, we have never heard of it befor

d at this i

assive gap in their skills. I want that white-hai

knew Alice well enough to know that she cared abou

n only blame yourself for being an idiot!" R

nfortunately there is no coffee in this stupid world!"

l do as you wish, garbage like you deserves to be prop

r, you retard!" The whole stadium roa

after all! Woodzy t

Tiberius was furious, he imm

istrate" h

y rock appeared

ation! It's spir

didn't know he w

at least at the second step? And he

amous spirit, it's ability to

t year's went crazy, even Alice and her

p, during the beginning of the year, not bad

ound, immediately afterwards the earth heaved upwards in front of hi

his right hand faced upward, forming a claw like shape, he placed it in front of his face, his left

hand, it constantly revolved, releasin

ts radiance was incredible, the orb had something mystica

osion spread outward, raising dust with it. The battlefield became har

ted the entirety of Tiberius' vision, he had no id

atchable speed, within three seconds he was in front of Tiberius! On Artillian's hand was what seemed to be

y to do some, damage, so he had br

usly, until he was at least 50

is spirit was not only a nature spirit, but also an enhancement spir

best you can do? Yo

d them. It's like they were suddenly teleported to a random plain. There was only grass as

pened. He started panicking, looking around cluelessly. Artillian, on the ot

a woman, suddenly appe

u planning on doing?" asked the womanly-shaped flame. She wa

problems in the future! If you're removing weeds from your garden, it's also best to remove the roots!" As Artillian said this,

Origin' can't withstand this! It will colla

ing forward. "I Shall Destroy All That Stan

Artillian to throw the spear at him, only to be surprised once more. After his short run, Artil

ased, it was almost as if the spear had sunk into a po

berius looked around, only to find, nothing. Artillian on the other hand had moved away, he was at least a hundred meters away, Tiberius tho

is battle had begun, nothing had happened that he could un

ge rock, the size of a house, suddenly appeared above Tiberius. "Talk, you piece of

ike gesture with his hand, aimed at Tiberius. "Look up buddy!" Artillian then closed

eared within Tiberius' heart: he looked up toward the sky,

ongous spear tip. Just the spear head itself was as large as a mountain, it was exactly like the one that Artillian

you piece of trash! No matter

le! Impo

mething like this to be possible, he must have been ma

l conste

tion like object, he had just viewed it as a

s a m

ere was no way Tiberius could catch up to him. Tiberius fell down to his knees, he was afraid, so afraid that he start

eath. The spear was not only large, it exuded an aura of death and destruction, it enveloped

e golden serpent, one with massive fangs, that had tasted

ronment. Tiberius himself had become the eye of the storm. All that he could see now where the wi

topped, the debris fell. I, it became deathly quiet. Tiberius opened his eyes and h

cared, scared to the point that he could barely speak. The reason was simple, Artillian's body was radiating killing intent.

us with giving out punishment. My marker is still on you, it will be with you for the rest of your pathetic life. If you ever piss me off again,

or the old, nothing will save you from my wrath. Understood?" Growled Artill

d the viewing gallery, where Alic

e was about to interfere, she saw a quivering Tiberius, who was being held by the throat, Artillian whispered somet

our little demonstration. I look forward to getting some pointers from you

d away. Alice opened her mouth but no words came out. Woodzy w

r. Now I have a new toy to play with!" Yvett

tives are. Also make time in my timetable, I want to have a private meeting with him." Alice ordered authoritatively. She didn't even bo

year, we need talented students like him, please don't make him an ene

want him to join me. That boy is hiding something, and i will

as walking on a pavement, when the wom

other students killed! Why did you even join an academy? I can

ething I have have lacked ever since coming to this world, and my performa

t's that?" Ques

confidence brimming from hi

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