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Green Haven

Chapter 2 - The Black Flyer

Word Count: 2044    |    Released on: 04/02/2018

"Saints Mags, dumb shit, " I yell, "go sit somewhere else! We almost broke our necks because of you!" Lois frowns at my words, she's not one to say things like that. Good I'm not her. Magdanovitch

ar around my neck. Not many people know that and that's how I'm going to keep that. "Bashir has not arrived yet?" Lois sometimes asks the dumbest questions. You wouldn't believe she is a well-paid secretary with one of the biggest vid-ad companies in the area. "Of course he has, " Magdanovitch snickers, "I just prefer to sit here in the cold." He looks up at her w

hir inside. "Anthony comes soon, " our host informs us as he gestures to the room where his vid-wall is. "Food's where it should be, back in a moment." He disappears into one of the many rooms so we first raid his kitchen and then find our favourite spots in the view room. It pays to know our way around. Mags waves his arm over the room-control and the video wall lights up. "You can talk to it, Mags, " Lois reminds him. As if he needs reminding. He simply shrugs.

brought to you by Skylerax, the company that can place you in any of the off-world colonies." We know that this will ramble on for a while so we talk a bit during the commercial. Anthony and Marco dive into a discussion of all the super-powers that the Black Flyer at least should have, next to what we have seen of him so far. Bashir looks at me and grins,

I say. "Half the fripping world knows you have the hots

superheroes from the past also had. I can think of a thing or two he could do with me and he would not need any super powers for that. I am sure I'm not the only one who thinks like that, but hey, a girl can dream, right? The episode we watch is a great one. The Flyer goes after thieves that hijacked a transport with gold bars; the daughter of a big company president is on the shuttle that the villains used also and they threaten to kill her unless they get a ransom. We all know the Flyer will save the day and the girl, but it is great to see him do it. After all, we plan to do a role play game around the Black Flyer so we have to watch everything closely. Might as well love it. At the end of the show there is another long commercial of Skylerax (as there were lots of shorter ones during the show) but we ignore that. You

arm would be good now so I sort of lean into him. I hope I don't give him the wrong signal but I am sure as hell not going to lean into Loi

e plan. "We'll need the costume for the Flyer, " Lois nods. "Perhaps Dolores can do something for that, she knows people who make strange clothes. She wears plent

t to go home alone?" Bashir is genuinely concerned. He knows how things are in

ons in Sin Angeles but those have been torn down by people who needed material. And they sure did not use that to build houses. More like to reinforce stolen vehicles. Along the way I see several shady figures, alone or in pairs. They don't scare me. Most people know I'm not dangerous and also not worth mugging so I get to where I live undisturbed. It's weird to call this place home, with the big ad-board over the entrance as the only sign of civilised life. Most floors in the twenty-one level building are covered with plastic foil. Most of it is even more or less intact. Only where people live holes have been cut into the stuff so we can see outside from the gallery if we want. Most street lights are dead here and the ones that work blink more than that they actually give off light. I pass the three overturned flowerpots (there used to be four) and push open the door. Its familiar creak welcomes

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