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Green Haven

Green Haven

Author: Paul Kater

Chapter 1 - He's dead

Word Count: 2056    |    Released on: 04/02/2018

iscilla. You can st

ls my nose. I have no choice but to look at the man I am holding. Well, his hand. And that's no use any more as he's dead. "Are you okay?" It's doctor Holden's voice. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine.

e. Bar fights are mean things and people with burst-guns and rip-kn

, Pris, you done four now. You guys are allowed three a day tops. Move or I ki

o place. "You guys need guys like us-" I start to lecture her but Lorna grab

perating room I lean against the wall and rest my head against it. I should not have been so stupid to do four people again today. It's going to

y guy. One of the few allowed near the operating

ne died, so that's a good thing I guess, right? How are you

front of me. While I try to sip the hot, black stuff he tells me about his family and that the problems with his neighbours are almost dealt with. "Just hope Josh lays low, " he ends his account. Josh is Tom's son, a bright little hothead who is always on the barricades when there is something that smells like injustice. And Josh has a nose for that.

Is he off duty? I saw his name on the roster for night shift." Tom's eyes twinkle. That always gives him away but I decide to play. "What? Are you kidding me? We can't have Bashir on

re of herself, right? It's busy in the hallway where I have to go through get out. Strange too, as it is not visiting hour - oh crap, wait, it is visiting hour. My bad. Usually I'm out of here already. And I should get my butt out now or I won't make it to Bashir's in time. Chandra's on duty at the door this aftern- oh, it's near evening. "How's it going, girl? You look like shit warmed up. Overdone it again?" She's charming as ever. I shrug. "Sometimes you just go on, right?" She's often doing more than her regular shifts as well, she should know. Although standing guard duty is a bit different from what I do. Chandra nods and holds up the scanner. I show her my left wrist which has the hospital implant. She scans it so everyone knows I'm not there any more and the door opens. "Chill, girl. Sleep some, " the massive woman says as she winks. "Black Flyer tonight, " I tell her with a grin. "Oh yuck, that crap again." Chandra does not like superhero shows. She's into romance and sugar coating. I grin at the thought that we have a big strong safety-guard who's all pink and fluffy inside. "I'll tell

ople used to go for their papers and magazines. I reach inside my bag and find my tablet. I hold it up to the automaton. "The usual news, " I tell it. The 'bot raises a hand while its

ference for the machine, it always gets it. Beep. See, there we go. No need to get that touched up. "Have a wonderful evening, Mrs. Farns!" the automaton says with its weird smile. The person who designed the face of the thin

station, " a voice says, "this train will return to Ramblos Central, pa

n these I'll get some room to move and breathe again. The clump of lit-up umbrella-handles slowly drifts apart. As I pass the big sign welcoming people to Angeles (which this area was called before the angels left

r." Lois tries to keep her large umbrella everywhere, so her rather expensive clothes don't get wet. I told her too often not to wear that stuff when she comes here, she'll attract unwanted attention. "Spac

ht mind. Always a gamble in a way. But we get to the building where Bashir has his digs. It's not that far from the mono station and one of the safer areas around here. There's no front door in the building. Bashir always jokes that it is the last thing the angels took with them. We go inside and make our way to the stairs. It's

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