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Deny Thyself

Chapter 2 NO.2

Word Count: 3275    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

n't leave right away." Evlyn called as she

he hurried out the door. Evlyn pulled the door shut and followed Rosa down the

ed for the zillionth time. "Tired as I

e diner. "What is that?" They quickened their pace to join Callie wh



or M

aimed. "How dare he go out o

e said. "By way

s thankless job her life. She didn't even have a pat on the back to show for it. All she had now were her fr

the sleeves off your dress, unbutton it to down to here and

is a year ago before he offered me work at the diner.

head sadly. "Th

red with a bright smile. "I h

u h

Callie and Benjamin's

last night's conversation, she had never assum

allie cried clapping

ch." Mr. Manass said. The girls turned to find the mayor standing behind them. Dr

rmed the mayor firmly. "In fact, we are

"Well, I hope ya'll make it alive." He

ie was dainty, fair and angel- like in appearance; her husband was six-foot six and had hair as black as night. Two people could never be so different. Nor so much the same. Benjamin was the gentlest man since the turn of the century. Soft mannered and a ple

. "Single women aren't allowed on a wagon train unless unde

e, and we want to join you and Callie. Wouldn't the master

y exceptions. If you were to marry..

to be permitted on a wagon train. If you can't

own is." Finally, he nodded. "Alright. I'll speak to the wagon master about it. If he agrees

id shaking his han

t." Rosa assured him. "We haven't

ng her arms around her husband in a hug. "

now." He said dropping

!" Callie rejoiced. "What could be better than

d. "Add a little one to that lis

She agreed. "Come. Let's go and pack your things." The girls hurried back to the boardinghouse, each p

r the girls and if they followed the rules and behaved, everything would be fine. Peter felt a tinge of pleasure when his boss said

mportant part of a wagon train. One man could not be responsible alone. To make it work, every family had to work with the other families and each had to pull t

ing so long and through so man

ia ended buried alongside the trail, their dreams long gone. He hoped no illnesses or accidents saddened

e confines of the muddy town and ventured toward the great unknown. Peter rode on horseback alongside the wagons. He

s and took to walking on the trail. Most of them stuck together, conversing as they walked about their dreams of Cal

g amongst a group. Her blonde hair was pulled back neatly, though the curls evidently resisted. Her bonnet swung with her

ightly so he could observe her with better ease. Something about the youn

discover whom this woman was. She seemed so familiar and yet a stranger. Pete

omen chorused w

o be an enlightening experience. One of the men

n the sweetness of her voice. "Do

have to yell "Gee" to turn left, and "Haw" to turn right. "Git-up" makes them go forward and "Whoa " stops

e the wagons if the men wear out." He grinned at the blue eyed- woman, "Though I do

y we would. Though I hope I won't

ned and trotted up towards Gurtslinger's horse leaving the happy females to their own conversati

squinted back at the women. "Do you t

y." Peter persisted determined that he

women under Benjamin Wyss protection. Riebe, I think her name was Emily Riebe. Or maybe it was Evlyn Riebe." The older man

looked familiar. Evlyn Riebe. I knew her back in my hometown. After my ma passed away, Mrs. Riebe would bring baked goods

haven't seen her in a lon

uppose. To be honest I'm partial to my own wife.

inger's words. "I'll see you at noo

a while, " He said to his horse. "But I think a female finally turned Mr. McCain's head

es had arisen yet and for that, Peter was thankful. However, he was not fooled. This was the first day. Everybody was fresh and eager. They hadn't had to bu

s and bacon filled the air. By the middle of the journey, they wouldn't be eating anything that extravagant, but for the

en on the wagon train. Though she was weary of traveling, she always wore a smile and dished up the men large helpings of food. Whether it is cold beans and dry

other things. Other people. There she was! She had a bucket and was headed for the river. Setting his ti

it. What are you doing?" She asked

hand was a fishing pole. "Thought I'

or we leave without you!" G

the middle of the day? He's never done th

ch of stuff he's never done before." Gurtslinge

gure that?" Hi

Miss Riebe down to the river." He smiled at his wife. "An

his cheek. "Oh, yes.

his fishing pole. He got there ju

wn on a rock and tossed his line into

at that." She agreed. She eyed his

t. There was a time fish

n an odd way. "Then you must be pretty go

"Why all the questions? Are

hes that need to be washed." She picked up h


s before she turned around. A silent panic was revealed in her eyes. "Rememb

ped his elbows on his knees. "Evlyn Riebe. Only child of Mr. and Mrs. Russell

th were worrying her bottom l

ched. She took two small steps away from him. "My name is Peter McCain. I am the thir

smile. "Luke, James, and Peter." She

Peter said, some

yn assured him. "I used to he

e could talk with a person from his past. She was the first

r several seconds before making a reply. Finally she said, "Sh

ter hated to ask. However, he had to know what happened to the delightful woman wh

er face. Was she wiping at

n the kind of problems Mr. Riebe had often brought to his family; but to kill his own wife. Peter struggled to remember all that he could a

d wrapped her arms around her body. Hugging herself obviously brought

would've had the same fate as my mother. He didn't care about my mama and little sister. He didn't care about me." She completely lost h

and comfort. "I'm sorry. Evlyn, I'm sorry." He whispered as his hand

obody touches me! Ever!" Turning

her, but she jumped up and ran back to t

s actions. Nobody ever touches her? Peter pursed his lips thinking of her words and trying to understand the emotions behind them. He had a feeling that she had a problem with men. Touching her, espec







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