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Being The Doctor

Being The Doctor



"What the hell are you doing?! Are you thinking straight, Kelsey?!" My dad shouted at me as he walked towards me at the front of the altar. All people in the church murmured. I wipe my tears. "I did what's best for him and me, Dad." I said bravely denying the fact that I am hvrting as hell. "But you love him!" My mom exclaimed. "But he doesn't love me! He loves someone else! My love for him is pointless if he loves someone else! How can I claim him if he wasn't mine in the first place?" I said as tears flowed down my cheeks. My mom hugged me and patted my back. "Son..." "I became selfish, Mom. I kept Cane away from her because I thought he would be happy with me and he would stay away from harm. But things get wørst. Because of my selfishness, I ruined everything! Including their relationship. I deserve this now. Deserve I leave the person I love in front of the altar." I cried as I hugged her back. "I'm setting him free. That's the least thing I can do to make him happy with her..." "Kelsey....Oh god! Cry all you want, baby. I'm always here. You can cry on me." She said while hugging me tight. I want to repent for what I did to reject the person I love. I said No as an answer from the priest's question. I rejected the unique question that would bind me and the person I love. Tearfully I picked up the two rings that fell on the floor. I put one on and smiled bitterly. It fits beautifully in my ring finger. How I wish that I could be selfish forever. I felt that my heart had been chopped into pieces. I did the right thing, right? I set him free in order for him to chase his beloved girl and win her back. I can always sacrifice for you, Yñigo. Even it means being hurt multiple times...

Chapter 1 going to give birth

Chapter 1


"Doc! Someone's going to give birth!"

"Just tell him to come back tomorrow, I'm sleepy!"

"Doc! The child is coming out!"

"She can give birth on her own. I'm still in a hurry! Tch!", I complained while putting on the lab gown.

I hurriedly went to the delivery room. When I got there, I immediately heard the cry of a woman. Just look at how young he looks. About 16 or 17. "Young people are really into it now." I whispered and shook my head.

I immediately put on the gloves and positioned myself in the middle of his thigh. "Miss, why is there a forest here?"

"Doc! My son is coming out!"

"Tch! I didn't even do deforestation. I wasn't ashamed anymore.", I whispered and started giving birth.

Twenty minutes had passed but the baby was still in her uterus. "Push! 1! 2! 3!" I screamed as sweat dripped down my forehead.

"Ahhh!! I don't want it anymore! Bw€sit you man! After you raise me, you'll just leave me!"

"That's why it's easy to make a fool of yourself." I promise.

"I thought he was a coward! Hmp! Ahhh! Wohh! Wohh!" It screamed as it squealed.

"Inhale! Exhale! Then push! The child is coming back because you don't know how to stop! Because you don't know how to be careful, you're left with evidence!" My sermon

"Eh, the condom he bought is in the hole! Ahh! Wohh! Wohh! Son! Come out please!"

"Just push, if you don't push I'll pull the kid! Take off that head I say."

"You're terrible! Are you really a doctor?!"

"Am I here or not? My time is precious so go ahead if you don't want your son's head to be taken off!"

"Mom! My doctor is crazy"

I'm sitting in my office while drinking coffee. My morning was not so good. I'm sleep deprived and I still have a lot of patients lined up outside. I can barely eat because of my work. Hey, it's really hard to be a doctor, you're always busy. I can't even manage my love life anymore. When can I insert it in my schedules?

"Next patient please!" My assistant nurse shouted.

Oh god! I was only able to rest for two minutes, and then something new happened.

My thirtieth patient came in right away today. It's an old man with his grandchild. He sat in the chair in front of me.

"Doc, my back hurts."

"Is it my fault that your back hurts?"

"It's Doc."

"Don't take the medicine at the right time yet, I tell you." I said after I checked his condition.

"But doc is bitter." The old man complained and sat back in the seat in front of me.

"Is there any medicine for saltiness? Tsk! I'm helping you, you're the one with the headache. Please help me. Do you really want to live or do you want to die? And when I prescribed you a painkiller. "

"Grandpa, your doctor is crazy." His grandson whispered.

"I heard that!"

"Shh, you're just a grandson." The old man scolded the grandson.

"But Grandpa, your doctor is crazy."

"I've been told I'm crazy." I moaned.

I immediately wrote a prescription to the old man so it could go away. Too bad it might hurt my back even more if I didn't prescribe it. I'm still to blame.

"Next patient!"

A woman entered. She has this flirty look on her face. Her chest is also spitting in her red fitted dress that is above the knee. She sat in front of me showing her small breasts. I guess it hurts my chest.

"Doc, my chest hurts."

I knew it!

"That's over with the lamas."

"Go ahead and eat it." The woman said flirtatiously while biting her lip. Gross!

"I'm going to swallow that shallow dish? What is gold?"

"What lawlaw?! It's big! And perfect! Every guy desires to touch it and y-you! You just said that it's lawlaw?!", the woman shouted in annoyance as if she couldn't believe that I said that.

"I'm a doctor, wife. I encountered a lot of breast in my whole life being. And I know the big difference between lawful and perfect." I stated a fact.

"What wife?! Miss me!" It screamed angrily.

"Oww, Miss. I thought that you already have ten kids."

"D-doc, how is my son? Is he okay?" Mrs. asked worriedly. Houston.

Their son was rushed earlier and they wanted me to check on his condition. The results had come so we are here now outside the private room of their son.

I looked away. "Mr. And Mrs. Houston. Your daughter has Glioblastoma." I answered directly. This conversation is going nowhere if I continue to waddle.

"What? Elaborate it." Mr. Houston said.

I stare at his eyes intently. "Glioblastoma (GBM), also referred to as a grade IV astrocytoma, it is a fast-growing and aggressive brain tumor. It invades the nearby brain tissue, but generally does not spread to distant organs. GBM's can arise in the brain de novo or evolve from lower-grade astrocytoma." I promise seriously. "Glioblastoma is an aggressive type of cancer that can occur in the brain or spinal cord. Glioblastoma forms from cells called astrocytes that support nerve cells. Glioblastoma can occur at any age, but tends to occur more often in older adults. It can cause worsening headaches, nausea, vomiting and seizures."

"Oh god!" Mrs. cried. Houston. He was about to fall but his wife quickly supported him. "Our daughter, Sebastian! We c-cant lose her! She's our only daughter!"

"Do everything that you can to save her, Dr. Jarren.", Mr. Houston. His expression showed depression and sadness at what he found out. But it keeps being strong for the wife.

I shook my head. "I can't save her. You can find another doctor for her." I said directly.

"What did you say?" It seems like an unbelievable question. "You can't save her? D-aren't you the perfect doctor? You don't have a dead patient in your hands yet. Treat my son. I'll do everything just to treat him. I'll pay no no matter how much." Please Mr. Houston. His voice was desperate. He lost his cool a while ago.

"I'm sorry. I can't cure her. I'll refer her to another doctor." I promised coldly and then turned my back on them.

I was about to walk away but a hand grabbed my left hand. I looked at it and saw Mrs. Houston kneeling and crying. "Dr. Jarren, please, cure our daughter. Please save her. I'm begging you. We can't lose her. I love her so much. I can't lose my daughter. Please... I'm begging you. "It's a crying plea.

His wife attended it. "Wife, don't do that! Stand up, please." Mr. Houston said as he held his wife to stand.

"No! Don't touch me, Sebastian! Our daughter needs to be treated! She's s!ck! And she needs the best doctor!" He shouted at his wife. It turned to me. "Please, name the price of your service. J-just save her! Save my daughter! I don't want to lose my daughter! She's all alone..." She begged as her tears continued to fall.

"Glioblastoma are ultimately incurable. Even if I were to be your daughter's Doctor, I wouldn't be able to do anything. All I can do is to prolong her life. I can't save her." I coldly said as I removed the hands of Mrs. Houston.

His wife helped him to stand up but eventually he sat down again. She's so weak. It is weak about what is known. "Is there no other way to save my child? Dr. Jarren, I can't lose Kelsey. She's my only child. I'll do everything for my child to live long." Begging Mr. Houston. His previously emotionless face became sad.

I sighed. "I am currently studying and finding a cure for Glioblastoma patients. But no. I can't risk the life of your daughter just to find a cure for Glioblastoma."

That's right. I can't risk someone's life for the sake of finding a cure for that tumor.

"What are we going to do, Sebastian? We can't lose her!" Mrs. asked Houston while still crying.

"Hush wife. Kelsey will be alright, okay? She will be gonna be fine. We won't lose her." It will let the wife sit and let her sit in the chair.

"Excuse me." I said goodbye and left.

I'm just a doctor. Yes, no one of my patients died but at that state of their daughter, one year is far from here. Glioblastoma was a very severe case. I can't risk my title for her. I can't lose my name for being the perfect Doctor.

And also I can't risk her for being my lab rat just to overcome the current study being done to discover the medicine for this disease.

I turned to the door when it opened. A serious Sebastian Houston entered and sat in the visitor's chair of my office.

"Good afternoon Mr. Houston. What can I do for you?" I formally asked even if I already know what he's doing here.

"I want you to cure my daughter." This is the answer. The determination to heal the child can be based on its face.

"I'm sorry Mr. Houston. I can't cure your daughter. I can't risk her life for my experiment." I said as I played the pen in my fingers.

His expression changed. "You are a good, smart and talented doctor, Jarren. That's why I'm giving you the life of my daughter. I trust you. Save her." He said as his eyes we're showing how he feels. Worries and determination.

"But Mr.———

"I'm begging you. Save my daughter. We can't lose her. She's my princess. I love her so much. I can do everything just to save her." It's pleading while looking into my eyes. It was shaking and a drop of tears came from its left eye until it increased and it completely cried in front of me. He bowed his head and wiped his tears. "I'm giving you her life. I will trust you. Please, save her Jarren! I'm begging you! Please, save her! Save my daughter!"

The strong and emotionless CEO of Houston Company was crying and begging in front of me just to save his daughter.

You're a doctor, Jarren. And a doctor's job is to help anyone who needs it. At least in any way.

The words of my mom suddenly appeared in my head. She's right. I'm a doctor. No matter how much I consider myself a perfect doctor, I will not help the needy.

"Fine. I'll be her doctor." I finally promised.

The tearful Mr. raised his head. Houston. His face brightened and you could see hope in his eyes. "R-really? T-thank you! Thank you, Dr. Jarren! I owe you a lot!" This enthusiastic promise while thanking me again and again.

I smiled. "Don't thank me, Mr. Houston. I haven't done anything yet."

It shook its head. "It is enough to know that my son is with the best doctor. I know you will not abandon him." Hope started to rose up on his eyes.

"I will do everything just to cure her, Mr. Houston." I reassured him and shook his hand. He accepted my hand and shook it.

I went to Kelsey's private room. I know her since she's a famous model and of course she's the one who was supposed to be the bride of Yñigo Silvestre. But their marriage didn't work for some reasons.

I turned the doorknob and entered. I caught them arguing.

"No mom! I'm not sick! I'm fine!" Kelsey firmly promised Mrs. Houston.

"Kelsey, son. Please, stay here at the hospital. You need to get better." Convincing the Mother of this while I don't know where to hold the child.

"I'm going home! I'm not sick!" Kelsey said sternly as she put her things in her Chanel bag.

"Kelsey, baby. Don't be stubborn, okay? You need to stay here so you can be treated and cured." His daddy explained while stopping him from packing.

"They said I don't have a skit! Why can't you understand that?! I'm fucking fine! I'm healthy!" He shouted angrily at his parents.

"Son, your situation right now was very sensitive! Son, listen to us. We know it's hard to accept but that's the truth. Son, we're right here by your side. We'll do everything to get you well." His Mother said while holding his hand.

Thank you! The stubbornness of a to!

He shook his mother's hand. "I'm not sick, okay? I'm perfectly fine. I'm fine, mom!" It said. He was obviously also convincing himself that he was not sick.

"Son, please listen to me. You need to be treated! To get rid of your pain!" His father shouted with obvious frustration on his face.

"I'm not sick! Fuck... I'm not sick!" Kelsey screamed again and again until she sat on the floor. His Mother immediately attended him and hugged him. Tears kept pouring out of his eyes. "M-mommy... I c-can't be s-sick! what about my career? What about my modeling? I can't lose modeling! That's all I have left!" It wails as it hugs Mother.


His mother seemed to be at a loss for words and so was his father.

I tasted so I grabbed their attention. "D-doc Jarren! It's you." Mr. Houston said as he simply wiped his tears.

Kelsey stood up and wiped her tears too. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

What an attitude!

"I'm here to formally talk to the patient." I said as I put my hands in my lab coat pockets.

"Kelsey, your doctor said to talk to you." Her mom said as she gently patted Kelsey's back.

"Yeah, right. I know." She said as she rolled her eyes again at me.

How can we have two? I can't treat it anymore?

To Be Continued...

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