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Chapter 2 The meeting

Palabras:781    |    Actualizado en: 21/02/2024



g for her order at the counter. Once she received it, she went to search for an empty chair. Luckily for her, she found one just by the window. She sat down, enjoying her meal, *well, no

nyone was staring at her, but as usual, she didn't see anyone. She decided not to think too much about it and fac

the living room to watch a movie since she didn't have anything else to do. On her way in, she saw a note on the floor. She was scared but decided to pick it up. It just read, "our queen." She was confused and frustrated because she was no queen, and she was contemplating whether or not to call the police because the no

ice. Matt had always hated the fact that she was always calm, no m

ave right now, I'm gonna call the cops." Then she shut the door in h

ntually agreed to be his girlfriend. We graduated together - I with an art degree, he with an insurance degree. After graduation, he suggested

eady, Sophia? We've been dating for more than four years now, and now you're saying this," he shouted aggressively at me. I was at a loss for words

ed. I just cleared my throat. When he heard it, he looked up surprised. "Sophia, it's not what it looks like," he said. I stared at him, and my heart broke because this was the man I wanted to spend my life with... I just left


t the message or is

ut Sophia,did she hav

u think i

o do you think

to find out

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