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Chapter 3 Big house

Palabras:2188    |    Actualizado en: 21/02/2024



g?" he asked while in t

on as possible. I can't watch or take care of you while I'm there,

sn't even know? Why? Couldn't his father have taken him because he himself will

take care of me and sen

thing. Don't worry, I know someone


gate. He couldn't see a bit because of the d

f opposite the gate. He was starting to get nervous why they we

go home with us. It won't be a problem if I go back th

t's not like I'm going to leave you here and break my promise to you.

nvelope. "When you see


ht you. Don't get a heada

ong will I

I'll get back to you. Be caref

ly closed the ca

e will be moved to another house. What kind of fat

went to the gate. There is no doorbell and it is locked. How can he get inside? He thinks that

uble. He could wait here but since it was late at nigh

ings he was carrying to make sure he climbed up and went inside. He knew that what he did was wrong and that he was like

ed about him. His mother left him after his father left him for someone else. He just want


rd something outside or if he was dreaming. He is a heavy sleeper and

forcing him to remove it from the company but he cannot agree. That person owes him a lot. He will not let him go lightly until he pays his debt in

ill has a lot of work to do and that doesn't include finding a mate. For him, that'

put on a t-shirt and joggers. There is something going

er of the house. He looked at the cameras one by one and looked for where the noise was coming fr

ed when someone caught one of the cameras behind t

ontacting the police but he stop

it looks like you

m and went to where the girl was. When he opened the door, th

looked at her. What the

e the house. Since it was wet from the rain, he lent her a towel first. He still has a conscience

t is small, has long hair and a medium complexion. He also noticed that her clothes were branded as well as the things she was carrying. Did it fly away? If it's true, he needs

ask her,

on't know what you're doing here in my ho

coconut tree behind."

his gardener to cut down that tree but so far it

at it's illegal to enter a place you're not allowed in?" he spoke

e anymore because of the cold so I just come i

omething from me

ts head in

s your

er for a few s

me?" Does it no


so he is telling the truth. "So, what's the

be here first while he d

sed by what was happen

That's why he

your Dad

on the hill, he suddenly appeared and said he was my Papa. Ah! I forgot somet

see you, I will

ce in the letter, his eyes widened in shock. The letter is from F

y his debt so as collateral for what will be

n's daughter?! That perso

ppening! What will he do

I know that you won't lose or lose me because I have f

ateral for all my debts. You are in charge of any decision what

disgraced his company and owes a huge amount of money, will gamble his own son to escape his r

did Pa

nswer. He thinks that this girl has no idea

n and this girl is guilty of it? This is a ver

this girl can't st

self down first. "Before I answer that.

just came home from work afterwards, he

say why did he

and it will take a long time to ge

pa say anyth

I'll just wait for him to come back

her's plan. It just means that this girl

is your P

us, I haven't seen or talked to him

here are

d send me to school. Well, that's what Mama wanted so I went. But, I didn't I don't know if Papa will keep his promise to me because eve

o? How old


w, I didn't know... that you were coming. And your P

see that she was starting to pani

just go home.

Papa after Mama's funeral because Mama wanted me to finish school. I w

ly believes in promising someone who

s I don't have a choice. Al

ly th

to solve your problem which has become my pr

n isn't working. He will let him go first and


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