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Chapter 2 You!

Palabras:1011    |    Actualizado en: 15/11/2023

of sleep but I was awakened by the thunderous sound of my

ed or if it was just a dream? I couldn't get much sleep last nigh

was late for work. I jumped out of

uter. Every apartment I looked for was more and more expensive and I realized how screwed I was. The only w

rker, Adrian, noticing my disheveled


You look like you h

uickly picked up my phone and used its sleepin

u look li

ew I wasn't looking my best and

ush off his concern. "Just a hectic

s doesn't tolerate delays or mistakes, especially

op Boss?" I

, most handsome specimen on planet earth. A perfect 6.2 at

a lot." I excla

ow much of a lot. I'd give half my li

h just half a

who clocked out at 90 didn't get. Hmm, well unfortu

do you

en with the sun shining down on it. He's the most cold, rude, inconsiderate and

ting interesting. I really look

get too excited. Rather, I'd pray I never have the misf

an he be?"

if he came in here right now and saw any of us slacking off, not working. He'd go bananas. Every singl

y, isn't he? He won every award there is, I mean, I admire his dedication and hard work, but sometimes i

elligent yet an utter thr

rs nodded i

had to hold my head high, I wouldn't want to do anything that would m

as a call from my h

reeted him immediately

You saved me. The meeting would not ha




ecutive floor immediately with it,

I say I wa

utive floor belongs

ade me unable to ask any further question

floor. The top executive floor sat just on top of the executive floor

eve that this floor had been here all this time and I had never been here. It was so spaci

this the right office?" I approached the recept

right place. He's expecting you. Please, go in." She

ep my eyes down, I walked through the large office to the desk wh

the documents." I began,

ce of the man I had bumped into the last night at the hotel-the

my hands fell,

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1 Chapter 1 A Mischance And A Mess2 Chapter 2 You!3 Chapter 3 The Sizzling Tension4 Chapter 4 The Top Boss Is Back5 Chapter 5 Accidental Girlfriend 6 Chapter 6 The Date7 Chapter 7 Dear Best Friend 8 Chapter 8 Who Are You 9 Chapter 9 Family Dinner 10 Chapter 10 After We Dined 11 Chapter 11 Something Dead And Rotten12 Chapter 12 The Drive Home13 Chapter 13 Project Update 14 Chapter 14 PR Specialist 15 Chapter 15 Let's Be Friends 16 Chapter 16 That Bitch!17 Chapter 17 Today Is For US18 Chapter 18 Pretense Game 19 Chapter 19 Business Trip20 Chapter 20 The Partay!21 Chapter 21 Tipsy Banter And Drama 22 Chapter 22 Arsonist 23 Chapter 23 The Breaking 24 Chapter 24 Such Is Life25 Chapter 25 Ice Melts To Flood26 Chapter 26 Rage 27 Chapter 27 Soaked In Coffee28 Chapter 28 A Demon In Sheep's Clothing29 Chapter 29 Sulking And Soaring 30 Chapter 30 Load Off My Chest31 Chapter 31 A Good Day 32 Chapter 32 Rise To The Occasion 33 Chapter 33 Prince And The Pauper; An Office Fairytale 34 Chapter 34 Logic And The Lovesick Puppy35 Chapter 35 A Bodyguard Of Lies 36 Chapter 36 Unravel 37 Chapter 37 Candles And Roses38 Chapter 38 A Reward For All Our Suffering 39 Chapter 39 Everyone Knows40 Chapter 40 Ruined By The Bitch41 Chapter 41 Damn! She Is Good42 Chapter 42 We Create The Demons That Haunt Us43 Chapter 43 The Reckoning 44 Chapter 44 No One Matters Except You 45 Chapter 45 Love Is A Shield 46 Chapter 46 A Not So Friendly Goodbye 47 Chapter 47 The Reunion 48 Chapter 48 A Blast From The Past 49 Chapter 49 Bitter Sweet50 Chapter 50 Chile Being Chilly51 Chapter 51 Timing's Act of Goodwill 52 Chapter 52 Farewell Mistaken For A Welcome Back 53 Chapter 53 The Parting54 Chapter 54 The Stir In My Life55 Chapter 55 Bad, Worse, Worst56 Chapter 56 New Fire57 Chapter 57 Time To Face My Fears58 Chapter 58 Promotion Flames59 Chapter 59 The Return60 Chapter 60 He's In Cedar Falls 61 Chapter 61 The Unexpected Welcome62 Chapter 62 A Battle Of Freedom63 Chapter 63 Give Him A Chance 64 Chapter 64 Trembling Emotions65 Chapter 65 The Shattering Reveal66 Chapter 66 6The Duo Sparked The Heat 67 Chapter 67 Bar Fight 68 Chapter 68 Bad Girlfriend And Daughter 69 Chapter 69 The Past70 Chapter 70 Door Of Forgiveness71 Chapter 71 Last Day72 Chapter 72 Emergency73 Chapter 73 The Silent Way Back Home74 Chapter 74 The Return Of Livia75 Chapter 75 Torn In Between76 Chapter 76 Time Clashes, Hearts Shattered 77 Chapter 77 Luck!78 Chapter 78 The Unexpected Visitor79 Chapter 79 My Superhero80 Chapter 80 New Friend 81 Chapter 81 Special Breakfast 82 Chapter 82 This Is Family 83 Chapter 83 That's Enough84 Chapter 84 What Is It All About, Livia 85 Chapter 85 Outburst Of Emotions 86 Chapter 86 Wise Moodlifter 87 Chapter 87 Surprise Encounter 88 Chapter 88 Heatwave In The Lexington Study89 Chapter 89 Transfer Of Heat 90 Chapter 90 Paul Pry91 Chapter 91 Boyfriend 92 Chapter 92 Teases And Coincidences93 Chapter 93 Unforeseeable Hero94 Chapter 94 A Tale Of Love And Redemption 95 Chapter 95 A Day Of Disruption 96 Chapter 96 Beyond Our Eyes97 Chapter 97 Whispers Among Flowers 98 Chapter 98 Office Romance 99 Chapter 99 Presumable Scandal 100 Chapter 100 Grand Announcement