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Chapter 4 Having doubts

Palabras:915    |    Actualizado en: 01/09/2023

n't get into any more trouble as she minded her business all through her remaining papers plus she avoided sitting close to the girl that almost ruined her the las

ase of results with great fear and panic. Anne and her friends were not left out as every conversation

eakfast. Since her mother travelled the previous day, and her brother had also finished his exams, it was needless

ention. It was an embarrassing moment for Anne who simply walked away, leaving the trader and her wares, wishing the ground would open and swallow her. She promised herself to never buy anything from that particular trader again. Even as she thought about it now, she still felt pained, wondering why some traders had to be so mean. Her Father had told them about a similar incident that happened to him a long time ago, even before she was bo

to focus as she narrowly escaped chopping of


hear from him for at least an hour. She spent most of the day playing games on her phone and watching movies before she fell asleep. When she woke up, hours later, it was to the sound of her phone, ringing. It was her mom, calling to check on them. Anne only told her the money was insufficient but she didn't mention her encounter with the trader. The call was disconnected after Anne confirmed with her mother when she would be coming back. She prepared dinner and for the umpteenth time today, she tried calling Collins

to sleep when her p

o answer his call, she put the phone on silent and counted in fives. hoping that she would either fall asleep or Collins

nging while messages kept coming

asleep, promising herself to correct whatever mistake she made by accepting Collins when she w

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