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Chapter 6 Always the winner

Palabras:2502    |    Actualizado en: 20/02/2021

ere?" I couldn't even

, briefly glancing at my lips. They watc

ake. I was assuming thing

n enter the ladies washroom area? Oh yes, I

y," he said, deep Greek ac

at you don't need to be concerned abou

of yours can't even take a stand for you


what happen

k you're crossing your limits here? You don'

he truth. Only a loser leaves their friend alon

o take a phone call," I defended. "And

ls flaring as he cocked

mean?" I aske

And then another until my back hit the wa

d my heart skip. His intoxicating cologne filled my lungs. He

my heart thudded inside my chest. "I meant, you will NOT be

ispered. His close proximity

ips. And then the bruise of his knuckles caught my eye. As I was about to ask him of hi

ispered in my ear, hot breath tickled my s


verywhere, I could

is words, I pushed him awa

d what do you mean by I already belong to

in his gaze sent a shive

his eyes. After all assuming wrong probabilities had ruined my

ll know


ings and loud announcement cut me off. The race was finished,

winner's name while he remained monotonous. "My condolences on your loss. Poor Jordan and

his phone in his pocket, when his eyes landed on Ace, confusion

till as a stone. His gaze


rmy eyes followed my moves. "Better luck next time,"

ut when I glanced back at him,

at the side of his mouth. It whis

here?" Warner asked

now him? Even at that party, it seemed like you

question someone has ever asked him.

ed my

problem betw

do yo

w, but... whenever you're with him or

ng. It's just... we never got along," I lied. And

cattered on the ground. Frowning when I looked up, I found some guards dragging those guys away down the stairs to the

lashed in my mind. A silent gasp left my


ter's gloomy face caught my attention. Of course! The horse she was cheering on

will lose. Now you owe

Cage either! So how come I

ut Jordan's winning or losing. A

ement. "It's all Ace's fault! Why didn't he tell me that this

etted on Cage? Not Jo

eepish grin. "Even I didn't know. But


was thinking that he lost, calling him a loser on his face. God

sunglasses were back. People were surrounding him, must be congratula

ugging his arm. The tightness of his sharp shadowed

... I shut down my brain before some real

go and eat somewhere? I'm hungry," I sa

h him. "Em is right, even I'm famished. Let's go honey, let's

o look back. Though I did feel the burning gaze lingering


y over. Though I did enjoy with Tobias, Caleb and Warner, the aw

er face, I can't help bu

shutting the door

lk instead of Tobis's lift thinking it might help me to clear my mind. But it didn't. The heady scen

d balled in

just a li

n orbs shone with adoration and love as they flickered to my lips. "You know

ited for something, anything. But I felt nothing. Just a minglin

friend couldn't spark even a little of the

ration, guilt, and an overwhelming em

arted my lips,

ed across

. I'm really tired right

terrible. "It's alright, Em. I understand. Let's go in and freshen up." Wi


r the light of the full moon. The stars weren't awake tonight

imes, but not tonight. They couldn'

him, again. This wasn't the first time I turned him down on being intimate with him. N

t cou

ner wasn't one of them. He respected my wishes and kept his distance. The most he touched me intimately was kiss me. Other than t

couldn't even g

pped down

I tried the more I felt disgusted with myself. The more I felt my insides dying.

ng to myself by forcing myself to feel something for those men I dated.

opped t

new of my broken heart. I told him I might never be able to love him back, but he said he wanted to give it a try

I di

for my own selfishness. And I hurt the man who was

heart. It just doesn't know to react

he clench of my heart.

knew how

me on the rooftop. Her sandalwood perfume

You're still mad at me for that night, aren't you?" Her gaze

n I was the foolish one," I s

"You weren't foolish, Em. You were just a young gi

nto my palms. "Funny, you were the on

he laughed it off on my face making me remember how naive I was to

with you like a bitch that night, instead of like a sis

of silence, she

couldn't reach out to you. And honestly, I never found that much courage." The tremble of her voice made me glance at her. Blue eyes glistened under the moon. "I want the rela

was talking of a fresh start. But I'd to know. It might be a teenage girl's br

e me for that. But trust me, Em, I never wanted anythi

to know why she did it. Why she brok

tant, but then

ou lov

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Back in the city3 Chapter 3 Stormy grey eyes4 Chapter 4 His rosebud 5 Chapter 5 Meeting the devil again6 Chapter 6 Always the winner7 Chapter 7 Jealousy8 Chapter 8 Mine9 Chapter 9 A shadow10 Chapter 10 Meeting the red head11 Chapter 11 Playing with me 12 Chapter 12 As the king orders13 Chapter 13 Creep! 14 Chapter 14 The VIP elevator15 Chapter 15 His scorching touch16 Chapter 16 You're mine! 17 Chapter 17 Turn around...18 Chapter 18 Anonymous gift 19 Chapter 19 Hurting20 Chapter 20 He's gone 21 Chapter 21 Confronting Tess22 Chapter 22 The boss is here!23 Chapter 23 The devil of my dreams24 Chapter 24 Antonio Reymond 25 Chapter 25 I need you26 Chapter 26 Cheesy garlic shrimps27 Chapter 27 Not his woman28 Chapter 28 Warner 29 Chapter 29 Red freaking witch!30 Chapter 30 Ominous31 Chapter 31 Escaping him32 Chapter 32 Time to take a decision33 Chapter 33 Just as friends34 Chapter 34 Obsessed35 Chapter 35 The date36 Chapter 36 Teasing Mr. Valencian37 Chapter 37 The past38 Chapter 38 Heartbroken39 Chapter 39 Surprise visit40 Chapter 40 Arrested 41 Chapter 41 Trapped by him42 Chapter 42 Always there with me43 Chapter 43 Meeting Sierra44 Chapter 44 Two conditions45 Chapter 45 Pervert!46 Chapter 46 Eerie corridors47 Chapter 47 A chance48 Chapter 48 I love you49 Chapter 49 The surprise of the villain50 Chapter 50 Enemy inside 51 Chapter 51 Claimed by the beast52 Chapter 52 Sore53 Chapter 53 Liza again54 Chapter 54 Duncan De Sylvano55 Chapter 55 Threat56 Chapter 56 The demons of the past57 Chapter 57 Fears58 Chapter 58 Missing him59 Chapter 59 Goosebumps60 Chapter 60 Stormy night61 Chapter 61 Leaving him62 Chapter 62 Panic 63 Chapter 63 Let's go home64 Chapter 64 Mrs. Valencian65 Chapter 65 The vacation66 Chapter 66 The revealation - Part 167 Chapter 67 The revealation - Part 268 Chapter 68 She's my home...69 Chapter 69 One down70 Chapter 70 Forbidden place71 Chapter 71 He dies...72 Chapter 72 Curiosity killed the cat73 Chapter 73 The master plan74 Chapter 74 The jealous Greek god75 Chapter 75 Epilogue - Part 176 Chapter 76 Epilogue - Part 277 Chapter 77 Bonus chapter - Part 178 Chapter 78 Bonus chapter - Part 2