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In the depths of Sam's dreams

Capítulo 2 The new world

Palabras:461    |    Actualizado en: 09/03/2024

. She didn't like reading transfer

if the blow to the head Elena had suffered yesterday, when she was pushed down the stairs, had caused her to recover the memories of a past

family debts and the chronic illness of her younger sister, she was fo

mantha, did she believe in reincarnation? Maybe so, but she thought she would be someo

and, of course, the knowledge of the novel that talked about the future in this world. Sama

having been mentioned only at the beginning o

aled. "This can not be true!" She

so happy because she would soon be promoted. She remembered that at t

stress, responsible for cleaning the duke's rooms. At that time, she believed that she


servants longed for a position like the one they had been given, with less work, m

e duke every day. And it was precisely because of this that Elena earned the hatred of almost

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