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Capítulo 3 The enemy is really close

Palabras:1023    |    Actualizado en: 27/09/2023


w he was supposed to live with a talkative wolf in his head and how it had been not to have it active. He didn't pay atten

the only one who noticed. Hidden in the shadows was Olivier, a dangerous

se the Alpha's mate was none other than Claire, the young wom

waiting. His son, Christian, had his eyes on Claire, but she kept her distance. It was time for Christian to learn that if h

g childbirth. Perhaps that's why he hadn't paid enough attention to his

hoping that someday he would challenge Benjamin for the A

he Alaska pack. This was considered a terrible act of betrayal as the young wolf had not provoked C

able act, but Olivier believed it wasn't grave enough to cost him his place in the pack. In a hurry to execute his plan efficiently, he ordered one of his men to enter Claire's house, a

went in search of the Alpha. Benjamin, upon seeing him,

tack my mate,' Benj

out, and if I don't return with her in

e looked surprised. He wasn't just any man; he was handsome and tall, very tall, and one of the

y won't believe this, but

classmates has been sharing pictures of you beca

been the

thout causing trouble. But I was surprised to see how many started joining his cause. They warned me to

not afra

die if I spoke to you. But I know there are women and childr

that you'll understand soon

why, but I don

you with us because a dangerous man has ordered that you be attacked. It's not just the

o protect me?"

to me in ways you don't yet understan

. Although Benjamin had more than twelve wolves with him, they couldn't do much

s lifeless body to reach her. His wolves formed a barrier between him and the humans,

ed him. He didn't want her to feel that way. Her breathing was labored, and

e human comes with us,"

amin repli

t killing y

ained on high alert, awai

ons with panic in her eyes. For her, to pro

njamin i

in our favor, but I trust that yo

just wait


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