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Chapter 1 A NEW WORLD.

Word Count: 3374    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rt!" said th

ooked a

can't be, or Margaret would have known. Dear Margaret! now i

id the Principal ag

the girl who sat beside Peggy. "

rincipal's eyes bent upon her. She struggled to her

he faltered. "I didn't s

s Montfort,

s are both-that is

"Young ladies!" she said in a warning tone. "Miss Montfort, you will have

mean-I'm ever so much oblig

Principal, with a slight

with a sound of rending cloth, and finally got out of the room. This time the titter was not so easily checked. Peggy heard it

bbed her foot, which hurt a good deal, a

Montfort looked about her, her heart sank. Was she to live here, to spend her days and nights here, for a whole endless year? She thought of her room at home, the great sunny room that she shared with her sister Jean. That had four windows, which were generally flung wide open; it was bare, because she and Jean liked to have plenty of space for gymnastics and wrestling; but that was a homelike,

runk, and would she unpack it, please, as the man woul

s strange, lonesome place. Arriving in the afternoon, a day or two after th

ed, and drew forth an apple; that brought the tears, which were not very far off in the first place, and there was a good deal of salt in the apple as she ate it. She was so determined to make the best of everything, however, that she fought back the homesickness that was rising like a flood within her, and even managed to whistle a tune as she hung up her dresses a

covered, with photographs, with Japanese fans and umbrellas, with posters and ribbons and flags. The room itself was choked, it seemed to Peggy, with chairs and tables, low tables covered with books, with cups and saucers, with knickknacks of every possible description. The whole effect was bewildering, but so gay and cheerful that Peggy sighed as she glanced back at her own bare white walls, at the bureau with its sober brush and com

halted at her door. A face peeped in. "May I come in?"

u! Sit down! I wanted to tell you-you were awfully kind to let me know sh

and dark, with a curious effect of squareness in her thickset figure. Her face was p

yours. No!" she added, laughing, as Peggy glanced involuntarily across the way. "That i

ms named?" asked

nstitute on the other side-oh! and the China Shop and the Corner Grocery, too. And on this side i

Peggy. "Do tell me what the

examination that a good many failed in, and so we got the name of owls. That's really all! And the China Shop-well! Ada Bull had it last year, and she had a

t tell her name, she's in college now-was a very silly person, and she sent her a great box of

p!" repea

little sample cakes of soap they send round, don't you know? and each cake wrapped

her pocket was always full, and, however it happened, at last Miss Russell suspected something. One day she came suddenly upon Margie in the hall, and saw that she was eating something, and asked her what it w

said Miss

argie. 'Soap,

She told her to wait, and then she went into her own room and came out with a lit

am sure you will find it excellent. I must insist up

it. She choked, and ran to her own room; the Principal followed her, and then the whole story came out. Margie never told us just what Miss Russell said. The ch

hink this is great. Did this room have a name, to

rossed the dar

may be changed now." She hesitated, and was about

opposite neighbours, Vanity and Vexation of Sp

under her breath, catching her co

clear, hearty voice, "come and

forward, one eagerly, th

," said Bertha Haughton, "this is Miss-

, but Viola Vincent advan

her chin, and shook it gently from side to side. "Awfully glad to see yo

Miss Varnham, who looked

speakably shy and awkward, and not knowing what to say. Bertha Haughton gave her a quick, friendly g

two chairs; and you and I can sit on the bed!" she turned to Mis

ing on a great prairie farm, she had known no girls save her sisters and the two cousins with whom sh

ir elaborately dressed, with a profusion of gold and silver pins, a passing fancy easily carried to extravagance. Both were pretty, and there was even a kind of likeness between them, though it vanished when one looked closely. Viola Vincent had limpid blue eyes, and long l

there was a supercilious lift to her eyebrows, an unamiable droop to the corners of her mouth

t much regard to her, and she o

ghton. She patted herself all over while she talked, now her

n away forty years! I simply can't exist without her. Why, my dear, we are to

st time she said we couldn't go again, because Grace acted so,

uld only go. Noble of the Goat, I call it; only it won't be half so much fun without her, and Billy gone, too. Oh, you can't possibly imagine

ertha Haughton flashed her a

e said, hastily. "Almost as bad as your to

he said. "I didn't say anything about the Nest." Then, happening to glanc

giggle. "Of course when Miss Montfort gets all her things ou

e managed to keep her voice steady, but the tears

mfortable, if it did not take too much trouble. "Won't she, V.? We had hardly anyt

s so like a sneer, and her glance about the room so cold and

ertha Haughton, anxious to change the conversation

the door, patting her waist

ox, an express box. Oh, it's a perfect monster, a mammoth! Vi,

sman was staggering forward with an enor

, motioning across the corridor. "Put it

he man, respectful

t. "Oh, there must be some mistake. I

e is no other Miss Montfort in the school. Look a

a clear, bold h

eggy M



care. All

It is for me! It's from Uncle John! Oh

still stood balancing the box. "There! set it against the wall; thank you

xt story. I use a can-opener now, but that will only do for small boxes. I don't have-well, St

freshman who appropriated it. Viola Vincent, on the other hand, was delighted. "I'm awfully glad!" she said. "It's simply dandy, having a box come. Ta, ta! I hope it will be something perf'ly splendid, dr

lief when the opposite door closed. Whatever the box contained, she could

orridor. "It's very strong, you need not be afraid of pressing on it. Can I do anyt

u stay and help me see what it is? It isn't any

than eat her dinner. "If you are sure you want me," sai

Why, you are the only friend I h

t going to be Miss Haughton another minut

rtha, ind

ur br

r brig

n! And now f

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