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Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1096    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

k note o

. It's outa sight," he said, pare

till more eloquent in his descriptions of various happenings

ing, "dat mug scrapped like a damn dago. Dat's right. He was dead easy.

the timid when he was but a lad had increased with his growth and education at the ratio of ten to one. It, combined with the sneer upon his mouth, told mankind that there was nothing in spa

ruffin,' he says, like dat. 'Oh, gee,' I says, 'oh, gee, go teh hell and git off deh eart',' I says, like dat. See? 'Go teh hell an' git off deh eart',' like dat. Den deh blokie he got wild. He says I was a con

blaze of glory from the Johnson home. Maggie, leaning f

fists. Here was one who had contempt for brass-clothed power; one whose

r the glimmering street-la

x of varnished wood, she suddenly regarded as an abomination. She noted that it ticked raspingly. The almost vanished flowers in the carpet-pattern, she

ed what Pe

rinding. Pete's elegant occupation brought him, no doubt, into contact with people who had money and manners.

n for a man who openly defied it. She thought that if the grim angel of death shou

with infinite care and hung it to the slightly-careening mantel, over the stove, in the kitchen. She studied it with painful anxiety from different po

of humiliation. She was now convinced that Pe

arel. As she had seen him twice and he had different suits on each time,

r bes' duds Friday night an' I'

g his clothes and then vanished, wit

te and his daily environment. She imagined some half dozen women in love with him and thought he must lean dangerously t

re of pleasure. He had friends, a

ake her. An entertainment of many hues and many melodies wh

en Maggie came home at half-past six her mother lay asleep amidst the wreck of chairs and a table. Fragments of various household utensil

h been? Why deh hell don' yeh come home earlier? Been loafi

, dangling to and fro in the draft through the cracks at the sash. The knots of blue ribbons appeared like violated flowers. The fire in the stove had gone out. The displaced lids and open door

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