The Putnam Hall Cadets; or, Good Times in School and Out
Author: Edward Stratemeyer Genre: Young AdultThe Putnam Hall Cadets; or, Good Times in School and Out
ews! To-morrow we are goi
rew down the algebra he had been studying. "I was almo
ake charge," went on Pepper Ditmore, as he swung himself up on a corner of the dormitory table. "Tell you what,
zed, Pep?" queried Jack Rudd
ned Pepper Ditmore. "You can't expect a fellow like
ing-jack. The fellows don't
Pepper Ditmore, with an injure
ou are
they found out yet who mixed t
ay as th
bulldog in Josiah Crabtre
about it," and now Pepp
you on your escape," and
officer of the Putnam Hall Cadet Corps? I should think th
he fellows don't know much about me
r. If you want to become an officer, say the
t to be an off
Pepper Ditmore ga
e returned. "No, I'll remain a high private in t
fficer over you, Pep? How in
ion, we are to have a major, two captains, two first lieutenants, two second lieut
n that Dan Baxter. Do you know, Ja
heard him bossing some of the little fell
han't boss
ddy, as he arose from his chair and stretched himself. "Those chap
five o
o the lake and have
n dormitory window, struck Jack Ruddy on the shirt bosom
e rushed for the window. He was just in time to see
per Ditmore. "His name is John F
itory, and down the broad stairway three steps at a time. He was just near the
a sudden Pepper Ditmore struck the man on the shoulder,
" burst out the cadet. "I-er-
rabtree. "What do you mean by tea
hrew some mud up into our r
" added Pepper. "Very sor
"I shall make an example of you, Ditmore. Go back to your classroom an
go back now?"
ee. I didn't mean to run i
ack talk. To the c
put in Jack Ru
Ruddy, or I sha
towards his classroom. Josiah Crabtree saw him enter, and saw Jack
all about a month before this tale opens. Jack was a few months older than Pepper, but the youths were of the same size and wei
tructure of brick and stone, standing in the middle of a parade ground of about ten acres. In front was a well-kept wagon road, and beyond this the grounds sloped down to the lake, where were l
so a drillroom and a messroom, all reached by three entrances, each of imposing appearance. Above the ground floo
under the gallant General Custer during several Indian uprisings. But a fall from a horse had placed him on a sick bed, and when he regained his health he decide
and each cadet was given instructions in military duties daily. All were clothed in nea
he boys daily. Under their tuition all of the scholars had learned rapidly, and now the master of the Hall
sides looking after the general management. His head assistant was Josiah Crabtree,
. He had come to the Hall with high recommendations, but it cannot be said that
um had seen the boy called Mumps. He found the boy talking earnes
ck strode up. "I struck Andy Snow, and Hen Le
catching the boy by the arm. "I suppose yo
s, in sudden alarm. "Let me
f mud up into our r
it. I've a good mind t
me from the big boy with the base
this is none of your
him a
alone when I
et him al
ook him thoroughly. "Now, after this, you behave
boy. "Le-let up! Don't-
p it!" And rushing in he took hold
Jack, quietly, but with det
om the big yout
from Mumps, he gave a quick push th