The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery; Or, The Christmas Adventure at Carver House
Author: Hildegard G. Frey Genre: LiteratureThe Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery; Or, The Christmas Adventure at Carver House
ically. "Tell her that the ladies-in-waiting are the dearest that ever lived, and the three court jesters are the funni
er rapture they did not scold Hinpoha for letting the cat out of the bag before the time set. To have given her those two extra days of happiness was worth the
"Oh, please live that long, so you can help us do all we've planned." Nyoda smiled back in
she said now, stopping in the act of dra
d to go and se
her big box of delicacies for Mrs. Deane. With her went Migwan a
ilt-in bookcases in the library, and had Nyoda's permission to take out all the books and look. Justice and Slim and the Captain had promised to help take out the books. Sylvia w
ng out the books and replacing them, but Katherine would stop to read, and Slim soon fell asleep with his head against the seat of a chair. Justice spied Slim after
apanese fellow down in Washington taught it to me. Let me practice it on you, will y
ed with a series of operations that rolled his bi
rning finger to her lips. "Don't you see that Sylvia has fallen asl
nd continued their wrestling, and the Captain aba
p the stairway!" said the Captain, as
ery inch of the way, but, nevertheless, went up steadily, step by step. Sahwah and Katherine, drawn by
e landing was as far as Justice could get him. Justice leaned over him and tried another trick to break his grip on the post and the two were see-s
ed the Captain. "Lo
g out of its place, sliding out over the bottom flight of stairs as smoothly and silently as though on oiled wheels. The five stood still and blinked stupidly at the phenomenon, unable to believe their eyes. The lan
enses first. "The secret pas
irks!" exclaim
Katherine curiously. "Where
e Captain shoo
for dear life when all of a sudden something clicked inside of it. Then the Captain yelle
t it and it turned under his hands. There was a click, faint, but audible to the eagerly listening ears, and the landing began
alls by tapping on the panels! If it hadn't been for Slim we could have spent all the rest of our lives looking for it and never would have fou
ake it open up ag
ently there came the now familiar click and
aptain, going to the edge o
there?" ask
s to peer into the darkness, "at least that's all I can see
bout six feet square, whose walls and floor were of stone. The top was open to allow the passage of the ladder. The Captain figured out that he was standing level with the flo
ere?" asked Sah
in it," replied the Captain, re
d the top. "It's outside. There's a door down there that probably opens
and it was she who went down the lad
he first thing its light fell upon was a broken glass jar, lying in a corner, and from it there extended across the floo
at must have made the footprints on the stairs! The man must
tonishment. How clear it all was now! The footprints beginning under the stair landing-t
ing his finger, which had a bright red daub on the e
ave spilled it hims
rglar know about this secret
re not prepar
told somebody,
eem to know about it hi
I'll bet he does, just
nto the house!" Sahwah defended stoutly. "He's as true as steel
end of the passage himself, by acciden
impatiently, "let's go and s
down close beside the ladder. This rope came through the opening above them; that was as far
ee what happen
click that had followed the twisting of the stair post. In a moment the light that had come down through the opening
oing. A fellow on the inside could get out, and a fellow on the outside
" asked the Captain.
hem in the narrow space in which they stood. A rush of cold air greeted them.
ome steps do
x steps down brought them to the floor of a rock-
tice. "All the cellar walls of Carver House are made o
he hill," said the Captain. "It's a regular g
way of escape!" remar
ound way of escape?" asked Katherine wonder
while. No doubt they concealed American soldiers in their home at times. This passage was probably built as a means of entrance and escape when things got too hot up ab
had, getting in and out of this house, right under the nose of the British! Suppose they suspected he was in the house and came in to search for him? He'd just turn the post o
age comes out," urged the Captain,
eply downward, with fr
wn the hill," s
ng down the inside of
sage under Niagara Falls," said S
they came out in a good-sized chamber whos
ith dozens of voices. A cold draught played upon them from somewhere, and, although they all had on sweaters and caps
able stood two tall bottles, thickly covered with dust, and between them was a grinning human skull wi
d down here!"
s Uncle Jasper playing pirate. S
hest, likewise painted bright red, with a hug
t he mentions in his diary," said Sahwah. "Of course
was a place to inspire terror in the heart of a luckless captive. Skulls and cross bones were painted all over the rocky walls, grinning reflections of the one
t have had a better one. It seems as if any minute we'll hear a voice muttering, 'Pieces of eight, piece
n on a dead
And a bott
the echoes gave back from all aro
drank the molasses and water that they used for
he was a boy," sighed the Captain. "He must
at what's in the ch
den swords, several tomahawks, a white flag with a skull and cross bones done on it in India ink, a stuffed alligator, a ship's compass, a section of a hawser, a heavy iron cha
r a bunch of real Indian arrow heads
es," said Justice knowi
tell?" aske
acteristics of the dreaded
use they didn't know anything about arrow heads
ly. "I thought I had fun when I was a kid, but Uncle Jasper Car
back with Uncle Jasper to his lively boyhood and saw a panorama of delightful play
nder which was carved the legend, "Frends til Deth." When Sahwah saw it she could not keep back the tears at the thought of this wonderful boyish friendship which had endured through thick and thin, and then had ended
had been replaced in the chest. At a point opposite to the passage by which they had entered the cave another passage
he Captain, lighting t
the Captain, when they had gone some
over with bright red paint, but here and there the paint had chipped off, showing the metal underneath. It was set into a doorway of brick and mortar. Ov
, and then they saw they
another house!" said the
previous summer. "We often used to poke around in it and wonder who had lived in it. In the old days it must have been a place of
nd up into the house," said the Capta
from the floor to the low ceiling, all but a few inches at the top and a few inches at the one side, where an irregularity in its contour did not fit against the strai
getting out around that rock," said
o get over, or around it, or through it,
this end?" asked Justice in perplexity. "Ther
e decidedly, "unless he really wa
ell after he was in,"
in, how does it happen that the door here wa
ustice. "I don't belie
ge at all," said Slim. "Maybe he did come in thro
He stepped into it and tracked it down the st
He jumped convulsively, lost his footing, and pitched over against the door, which went shut with a ban
h lent a hand, but not a bit would the door budge. They gave it
said Justice in a v
over from the jar when the
it could," said J
the latch latched itself, and there I was, caught like a mouse in a trap. I couldn't pull my skirt loose and I couldn't unlatch the door from the outside. There was n
tice gloomily. "With the passage blocked at this end, a
or down," sug
at are we going to break it down with? You can't
g frantically with their fists, and
but there's never a dent in the door. You'd think the old thing would be rotten down here in this hole, but it's so covered wi
l somebody hears us and
," said Justice. "We're on the lo
in and again until their ears ached with the racket their voices made
can he
realization came t
tarve to death?" asked Sahwah in an awe-stricken voice,
rve," said Justice pessimistically,
yoda will find the stair landing open and will come after us," she finish
y won't find it open, because I closed it several times, but I le
went up at his words and t
terminedly, after a minute. "We were shut up i
on the outside, not on the inside
trying to stop shivering, "and we had eaten so many strawber
decidedly. "I've bee
e impatiently. "I guess you'll last
atherine with a shudder of something b
own with!" sighed Justice. "It would take a b
aid Sahwah with a sudden reminiscent giggle. "He could
, and we are," rem
egretfully. "She was so sound asleep, though, I couldn't bear to waken her. If she only knew
o agitated about it that he dropped the biggest electric flashlight on the floor and put it out of commis
ce, "so they'll last. We can f
sively and the boys instinctively moved nearer together. Conversation dropped off after a while
canny stillness. It was a slight sound, but to their strained nerves it was as startling as a cannon shot. It
" said Sahwah, s
ng his hand over his ear in an attempt to locate th
iled to find it. He turned the light out again. Then in the da
g louder," s
Sahwah positively. "They'
ut a doubt the sound of a footfall drawing nearer
s found the passage!" shrieked S
anded Justice, "and let
snap of the lock on the other side of the door. Slim, who was nearest, flung himself upo
d crowded out into the pas
d answered them. Justice and the Captain sprang their flashlights and looked
ned the latch a
chills ran down their spines. The same thought of a supernatural agency had
clared Katherine flatly. "Ghosts do
opened the trap, and came out through the landing just as Nyoda, arriving home, was taking off her furs at the
zement, when they found out that they had never even been m
as Nyoda when he saw the opening in the landing
were coming to let us out," said Sahwah, "
, helping me overhaul the motor of the
e-door?" cried the fi
that made the footprints on the stairs! He got in through