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The Boy Ranchers in Camp; Or, The Water Fight at Diamond X


Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

he tent where the telephone had been installed. Snake Pu

n, and then he led his pony to the trough, into which the t

g happens to it,"

stioned the bearer of bad tidin

wpuncher. "A black rabbit run across Bud's path the day h

ake Purdee, who had acquired this name because of his exceeding fear of rattler

he brought out the board warning, and related the incident of the myst

rse I wouldn't put much past Hank Fisher and Del Pinzo, but if either of them sent these warn

pened over at Squ

anything to do with tha

y could," spoke Snak

of the tent, having finished his

is going to take off the rest of the stock before they catch the trouble. Some he's going to put at Triangle B, some at Diamond X and some he's going to haze over to

d Old Billee Dobb. "How many he

that hasn't been near the infected cattle," he we

five hundred more s

ur flats," and he waved his hand toward where the white tents made an attractive camp. "Didn't bring

wanted to know. "If we double u

Yep, a new ranch hand is due t' arrive this evenin'. He's a won

ldly, with a gleam of light in his eyes, how

h' worst. There's trouble at Square M, an' you'll

ofits with me, and that's what we're looking for-to make a success

more black rabbits don't throw

ay was to come when he recalled

uare M, which were to arrive the following day, or the one after that. "It's queer what made that disease break out so suddenly among

But Square M is hard hit. It's a disease the government experts are tryin' t' find a re

rm disease?

from one steer to another, just by rubbin' horns, so t' speak. Or the

who had arrived just about grub time, with his own outf

sh?" asked

,' as some folks call 'em. I think the cattle get poison

We can double up as well as not. Now I wonder if we have blankets enough for you two?" and he looked at Snake an

" asserted Snake, wh

ll about the flickering camp fire, talking of the trouble at Square M, the strange disappearance of the water

ud wanted to make sure of the blankets. For it gets col

e dim light of a turned-down lantern,

, Snake?"

ed the voice of the n

t an ugly suspicion entered Bud's mind, but when his nostrils did not catch the smell of l

e blankets enough, and as the boy rancher was leaving the tent, he

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