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The Submarine Boys' Lightning Cruise / The Young Kings of the Deep


Word Count: 1945    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

exclaimed Rhinds, looking round beamingly over

s lieutenant, Radwin, Messrs. Farnum and Pollard and all three of the submarine boys w

curred; that was when Mr. Rhinds, at the beginning of

" Farnum broke in. "None of

kind of wine," propose

which we can all p

way of thinking, is any good," repli

host of this dinner. "But for the rest of us,

imes have gone by. Drinking is out of date, nowadays. The keenest and most dependable business men are those who do not drink. In fact, I may go a little further, and say that, in our business at Dunhaven, we hav

of his rival. "I dare say there was too much drinking in the old days. Yes, F

s plain that their h

Mr. Farnum, toward the end of the meal. "I want to find ou

their dinner about ten minutes ago. As to to-morrow, I can tell you that, beginning at eleven o'clock, all the submarine boats entered are to ta

for us," muttered M

eady, at a single mome

n Jack

, easily, "I'll take you over and present you to

you," nodded Mr.

ng, cigar in mouth, over to the table of the officers of the

sociates invite you to come over and sit at their table. Radwin, will you l

the portly rascal and his secretary. No

Radwin, genially, as, the four sauntered

us as well as anything," smiled Jack. "That is, unles

at present, and they're making the nights lively in some sections. Do you care t

," said Jack Benson quick

hen, for a while, what do you say if we take window seats here near the entrance, and note whatever may b

air, and walk up and down

hough, a few moments later, he excused himself, saying that he had

think of Radw

od deal the sort of fel

ck answere

ike Rhinds?"

right to say that?" a

very pleasant to us to-

h good fellows, in t


ck. To put it another way, they're not just our kind of people. That is, they're not at all in the same class with gentlemen like Jake Farn

d how long Radwin was gone. As a matter of fact, that enterprising, rapidly-moving you

quieter streets of Colfax. At this time

al, at last. "I had almost forgot

had forgotten,

turned to gre

Haven't Mr. Rhinds and yo

ith the officers of the naval

ve the finest hot soda-chocolate, at that. I wanted to invite all hands there. But I'm afraid Rhinds and your employers may come out and be looking for us. Benson, do you feel like remaining here, to guide them along, while I take your co

ow I don't care much about chocolate, and you do. So r

know my weakness for hot chocolate. I feel as i

inted. In fact, he was exceedingly disappointed, for he had hoped to

s had passed when, about a block away, in the opposite direction

rs saw something tha

t the distance, cowered back from a short, thick-s

ung woman cried out, though not very loudly. But the

ph, angrily. "We'l

. The bully, hearing him come, turned for a

ng woman turned, flashing a look at him through

he young woman, in a voice whose sweetnes

sh him," pondered Eph, glancing down the

irl, in a quick, anxious way. "I don't

not," Eph ass

will escort m

ded young Somers, a

murmured. "For I am afraid Tom might be

ce," uttered Eph, valiantly, "I'l

e was indeed afraid was testified to by the way in which her hand trembled on his arm. It was such a tender little hand, too!

ke the girl forget her late fright. Her face Eph couldn't see very well, on account of the veil, but he decide

it the girl let go of Eph's arm, uttering a little scream as she darted away. Eph didn't follow her. He found himse

got something to settl

ph, undauntedly. "But f

hen the other two closed in behind young Somers. He was struck on the back

himself lying, bound hand and foot, on a pile

to unravel!" muttered th

ever occurred to him to see, in his mis

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