The Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods; Or, The Winnebagos Go Camping
Author: Hildegard G. Frey Genre: Young AdultThe Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods; Or, The Winnebagos Go Camping
at all and nearly another one to get her in over her knees. She showed a perfectly unreasoning terror of the water. In vain did Sahwah dive off the tower and come up safe and sou
irls. "Now, Gladys," she said reassuringly, "do you believe, down
said G
om. And so she went on. With inexhaustible patience Nyoda tried again and again to get her to lie out flat on the water, but was compelled to admit at the end of the hour that she had made no progress whatever, for Gladys had not m
ls declined to help her make a stencil when it was time to clean up the tent for inspection. Her corner of the tent was never in order, and as a result the Omegas were getting low marks in inspection, much to their disgust, for the rivalry between the two tents was very keen. Gladys had officially joined the Winnebagos, hav
d the camp, so they were in a measure her guests; therefore, Nyoda would not let her pay a share of the provisions, thus evening things up. Gladys had now been in camp nearly two weeks, but she had not en
ched her and introduced himself as Mr. Bailey. He was a private detective, he said, and was trying to locate a child that had strayed or been kidnapped from a family on the other en
ars old; at the time of his disappearan
hing else," said Nyoda, "but I'll ask the girls who were in camp while we were looking for Migwan." She blew the bugle and ca
ing in the woods waiting for the girls to come for me. There were two men with him, one carrying him. I
" asked the
he Loon Lake boat-for they were go
her eyes in an effort to bring back the picture. "One was tall and had a black mustache
that description?"
r than that," she said. "I can show a picture of t
cture?" said the
developed yet,"
have it developed?
the dark room with her, hardly dared breathe for fear of working some harm. What an exciting moment it was when the figures finally stood out plainly on the
e for this film?"
Migwan. "You're perf
help if the picture w
. "I wish I had a chance to do something big and noble! The only tim
heroic in my sleep. Come on, I'll beat you a game o
Nyoda had summoned a doctor from the village who proclaimed Migwan's dislocation a slight one and her prompt setting of it a good thing, and promised that in a few weeks it would be as good as ever. M
ou doing?"
's it
"and then use it to stamp things with, either scarfs or
ok-plate?" a
ther side mean friendship; the rocks underneath signify that my friendships have a firm foundation. The letters underneath read, 'Migwan, Her Book.' Y
I hate Craft work," said Gladys fretfully, "but I suppose I might as well work on my ceremonial gown." She brought the gown and sat down beside Migw
e beads on your dress, are yo
, "you've got beads ha
ads," explained Migwan, "
o honor beads
l went with our dresses undeco
y plain one. Miss Kent," she called, as their guardian passed by with an arm
self. She looks at my costume, sees the Guardian's symbol on the back and the border of small symbols around the bottom. She counts them; there are seven. She says to herself, 'She is the Guardian and there are seven girls in her group.' She then sees Migwan's costume with the four Wakan honors for Written Thought. She knows that Migwan has literary ability and that her symbol is the Quill Pen, because there is a quill sewn to the front of her dress and feathers are never used for decoration except in case of a personal symbol. She knows that Migwan had to work hard for her Wakan honors because above the first one there are two Shuta buttons
s hands. "I guess I won't put them on, a
ing utterly bare of ornamentation. I can suggest several th
asked Gladys, l
e. You will find it on the banner before the tents and over the fireplace in the shack, as well as on all the girls' costumes. It is the Indian sign Aki-yu-hapi and means 'Carrying Together.' It is the secret of the wonderful team work of the Winnebagos. Develop this in wood brown and green. When you put the fringe on the bottom, instead of using a straight piece, leave the top edge in uneven peaks to represent mountains and outline them with blue beads for the sky above them. This will indicate that you love nature. There you have the costume with the thongs and fringes all ready to receive the honor beads, and the
Hinpoha, finishing their tennis game, strolled into the woods beyond the court, looki
e so patient. I'd die if I had to sit in one place all day. She's a dead game sport, though, and neve
are good sports
ch o
u k
ean Gl
velop into one before the summer is over. Let's hope so." Th
ives me a pain. I never touched her bed the
er face that night a
a giggle at th
it was Migwan, and a
l that, but if she hadn't been like that her father wouldn't have wanted her to be a Camp Fire Girl and we never would hav
" said Sahwah. "I wish I could
tting on a log when the above conversation took place, and Hinpoha had poked her hand into the
is it?" cr
d Hinpoha. "Run
oods with Sahwah close at her heels. By the time they reached camp Hinpoha's hand was swelled all out of
she commanded. "There is some
arge lump. "Now you make mud pies until the infl
, so she began making statuettes of the different girls. She had a great deal of aptness in modeling and managed to make her figures resemble somewhat the girls
behind them, made a gesture to intimate that they were for sale. Sahwah sat down and signalled that she had come to buy. She indicated several that she would like to have and Hinpoha held up fingers for the price. Nyoda came along and watched them with keen amusement; Gladys looked on uncomprehendingly. Sahwah purchased the Winnebagos in
omething about me," she cried passionately. "I know it's something about me. You know I can't understand your old signs a
down to the dock and into the launch. She set the engine going at full speed, sending the small craft through the water like a torpedo, the spray dashing over the bow and drenching them both. The excitement of this mad flight through the water made Gladys forget her hurt feelings. She watched Nyoda, fascinated. Nyoda was of a decided athletic build, tall and broad-shouldered, with black hair and dark eyes, and high color. She
wheel into her hands. She made no mention of the occurrence of the afternoon, not being clear in her mind just how to begin. Gladys fi
y clever and original game, by the way, having an auction sale in sign language. Sahwah bought all the figures
aking into Nyoda's explana
uick to jump at conclusions, Gladys. Just because you couldn't understand what they were doing you thought it must be something unpleasant about you. Your outburst at that time
nd smiled down at her. "You know that the girls are not
g. Nyoda, watching her face, saw that she had gained her point. "And you'll
to grow dark Nyoda took her lantern and went into the woods by herself. She soon found Sahwah crouching on the ground at the foot of a tree, her face buried in her hands. "Sahwah, dear, look up," said Nyoda gently, setting her lantern on
sister," she said kindly, "it's not as bad as all that. You were thoughtless, t
er stopped to think what I was doing, and
r mean to do unkind things, and yet we do them right along, without think
besetting sin," sa
e tower into the canoe and upset it. That was a very dangerous thing to do. You might have landed on top of one of those girls and hurt her badly, or been hurt yourself. Even grant
seriously. "I'm awfully sorry I hurt Gladys's fee
me things you can't make right with an apology any more than you could mend Migwan's
I do then?"
ut yourself in her place. She feels just as strange among you strong, self-reliant, outdoor-loving girls as you would among her friends. You know a great deal that she does not, and she undoubtedly knows a great deal that you do not. She has been abroad several times, an
imple folk dances the girls did among themselves. Sahwah, however, was still deeply ashamed of her performance of the afternoon and eager to atone for it and regain her standing in Nyoda's eyes, so s
she and Nyoda retu