The Boy Allies with the Victorious Fleets; Or, The Fall of the German Navy
Author: Clair W. Hayes Genre: LiteratureThe Boy Allies with the Victorious Fleets; Or, The Fall of the German Navy
n submarine bases, was one of the greatest feats of the whole European war. The attempt was extremely h
gadier. It is true that the operation has been planned primarily with the idea of having the destroyer Daffodil
pots, the Royal marine artillery and light infantry. The ships and torpedo craft were furnished by the Dover patrol, which was reinforced by vessels from the H
pose. With these objects, the blocking ships and the storming forces were assembled toward the end of February, and from the fourth of April on in
r, valuable practice was afforded by endeavors to carry out the project on two previous occasions, on which th
ond attempt, when it became apparent that there would be a long delay, the Dominion joined the Hindustan and th
place to their pushing the Vindictive, which was to bear the brunt of the work, alongside Zeebrugge Mole; to the possibility, should the Vindictive be sunk, of their bringing away all her crew and the l
ns and the preparation of the personnel and material. Rear Admiral Cecil F. Dampier, second in comma
ening such an attack could hardly hope to succeed. The system of making smoke previously employed in the Dover patrol was unsuitable for a night operation, as this
the neighboring commands at Portsmouth and the Nore, the adjutant general, Royal Marines, and the depot at Chatham. The rear-admiral commanding the
e flotilla leaders Scott and the destroyers Ulleswater, Teazer and Stork, and the light cruiser Attentive, flying the pennant of Commodore Boyle, was organized. This forc
rting the forces were
is, Gloucester. To block the Bruges canal: Thetis, Interprid and
North Star, Brigadier, Trident, Mansfield, Whirlwind, Myng
boat to rescue cr
surplus steaming parties of block
coastal m
ree motor
of Zeebrugge-Monitor
s-Termagant, Truc
ge-Attentive, Scot, Ulle
nd: Marshal Soult, Lord Clive, Prince E
-Swift, Faulknor, Matchl
French torpedo boats Lestin, Capitaine Mehl, Franci
three American destroyers-the T
ke screening duty inshore and rescue wo
attending M-24 and M-26 a
nd Dover were directed to join Admiral Keyes off the Goodwin Sands and to proceed i
ere given their orde
. Wireless signals were prohibited, visual signals of every sort were reduce
ssage was carried out as laid down, the special a
whitt, was posted to cover the operations
cessary instructions as to their part in the raid. They had passed the word to the other off
hey were to have a hand in one of the greatest and most dangerous enterprises attem
d aboard the Brigadier, "it seems to me as though your wo
hed. "They just happened to need anoth
t seems that we are always in the midst of thin
tain," said Jack. "For good judgment would tell
" said Frank, "this raid is going to be one
nemy a lot of harm if it's
sful all right.
eh?" lau
Admiral Keyes will not fail. And what are the Germans going to
st of them in there,"
o get out again if we
e ones that are outside won't
d, "we have them coming and
," sai
ou were in private conference with Admiral Keyes. You're a captain
ided in order that we may do our work there under the cover of darkness so far as
ng a pretty big force a
hat the admiral has overlooked nothing that
to suit me," declared Frank. "When
dn't be surprised to receive
ed Jack was a
the Brigadier. A few moments later an officer came aboa
aper, then leap
nk, who had been standing near by. "Pipe all m
e was abou