The Rover Boys out West; Or, The Search for a Lost Mine
Author: Edward Stratemeyer Genre: LiteratureThe Rover Boys out West; Or, The Search for a Lost Mine
for Putn
mind you don't upset us, or we'll us
rybody, or I won't be responsible, nohow, if yo
ing from the students, the long Putnam Hall stage left the football enclosure atta
anywhere; and why should they not be merry and light-hearted, seeing as they had just won a great footba
cried. "My, but won't there be gloom around Pornell Acad
ped up Sam Rover. "And they were all heavi
weight, that won th
for that science we have to thank Dick Rover. Oh,
very player did his full duty," he said. "If we-" He broke off shor
than good grammar. "I'm doing an Indian war dance
f. We had only one man hurt on the field;
began a wilder caper than ever. But suddenly George Granbury, who sat nearby, caught him by t
he general utility man attached to Putnam Hall
se horses couldn't run away if they tried. You only wan
his speech, and this finished, the football team and the other
Hall! Pu
ong with P
boys! Not
t! Right! R
wered by others who passed them, some in carriages and others oil bicycles. It was a clear, sunshiny day, and nearly all of the inhabitants of Cedarville, as well as of other villa
d calmed down a bit. "When Tom kicked that final goal I saw him rise up and nearly pound the lif
When Tom did his little act I saw Nellie Laning act
me from Tom, and suddenly his head appeared at the
llie Laning did, Tom. When
" cried Tom, his face growing sudden
en Dick made his run, pretty Dora Stanhope just
r, Dick Rover reached forward and thrust a banana he was eating into the tormenter's
and will henceforth be silent," he sa
gue, unless you want to be lif
t. "Dora Stanhope and the Laning girls are nice fol
d, or you'll have all three of the Rover
and in such a tone that the others felt the bantering m
in chorus from a do
humor to let us do a
ame good humor. Let u
is," said Dick. "But both will cost
ked to part with some of his spending money. But the groan counted
e are two other loads following, besides those who were on their wheels. We ought to
ome of his Fourth of July
ad joined the academy the season before. "Vot is von ce
f the others, referring to an incident between Tom
et mid an old pistol again alrietty! I vould radder sit town on von can
ncident was mentioned. "We'll just have skyrockets, and Roman candles, and pin-wheels, and a
-cream, fruits, and nuts," put in Larry. "At this minute I f
" came from an
ted a cadet in one corner, yet he did not mean what he said, knowing that bluff Captain P
climb a long hill leading to the heights upon which the academy was located. But there was still a little va
stopped his idle talk to gaze at the mountains to the westward and the sparkling lake winding along in the opposite direction. It was early
atiently. "It will take some time to get re
d once more they moved off, and again some of the boys tooted their horns. At this Sally pick
ushed it back vigorously. He was so nervous that he gave the handle a mighty wrench, and in a twinkle the brake bar snapped
ake is
Peleg, or they'l
hoa, Sally! Don't you
with might and main. But then came an awful bump, and away flew the driver into a bush a
Tom. "I don't see how we
r cadet, in terror-stricken tones. "They were mending it t
!" burst out another
boys, we
d then every face grew pale. The bridge was torn up co