The Curlytops at Uncle Frank's Ranch; Or, Little Folks on Ponyback
Author: Howard Roger Garis Genre: LiteratureThe Curlytops at Uncle Frank's Ranch; Or, Little Folks on Ponyback
im, too. The foreman stood twirling his big hat around in his hand. Teddy looked a
to hear that. I hope none of the boys is sick. No
ews about some of your ponies-a lot of them you had out on grass over t
ed Uncle Frank. "Well, now, I'm sor
t a lot of 'em have been taken away-
s chair. "That is bad news! When did it happen? Why don't you get
ear until a little while ago, when one of the cowboys I sent to see if the ponies were
exclaimed Uncle Frank. "Who's the co
got in a little while a
he think too
" and at these words from the foreman Ted and Jan
hy, I didn't think any of them
"They didn't have any ponies of their own, I g
e'll have to get our boys together and chase after these Indians," h
t was going on, but enough to know that his uncle was goin
n, giving Teddy the name almost everyone called him at first
s must stay at home,
ng after Indians?"
Curlytops, "the Indians are kept on what is called a 'reservation' That is, the government gives them certain land for their own and t
n and some of them will get together and run off. Sometimes they ride away on their own horses,
u catch them?" a
went and then we'll follow after them un
d-go-seek, isn't it, Un
like that But
to hunt the India
!" exclaimed his mother.
ld like to g
new how to ride a
rrow I'll have one of the cowboys start in to teach you and Janet to ride. Now I guess I
hem back," said T
"And I hope those Ind
tame Indians!"
wild when they steal
rly that day. They fell asleep almost at once, even though their bed was not
ies?" asked Teddy the next mo
the cowboys have gone over to the field where the poni
ride a pony to-
ed and Trouble play around the house now as much as you like. When U
his sister after breakfas
ouble. "I wants a wide!
our goat here, wouldn't it?
I'm going to be a cowboy, and you
t so high up as a pony, Ted, and if you fall off
to fall off,"
There was only one person in there, and he was an old man to be called a "boy," thought Janet. But all men
at him. He was mending a broken strap to his saddle. "Where'd you get that
what to make of th
It's fast to our heads and
curly this wa
with a laugh. "Mine was curly only when I was a baby, and t
all summer," Janet sa
as much as
Indians are that took Uncle F
go after 'em myself and get the ponies back. I guess
hide?" as
they stole from your uncle. But don't worry your curly heads about Indians. Have
t a lasso?"
se I got one-every cowb
," went on Teddy, who had onc
you," said the cowboy, with a good-nature
and down and, while doing this, the cowboy swung his coiled rope, or lasso, about his head, and sent it in curling rings towar
dy with glistening eyes. "I'm
he cowboy offered. "You can't le
ittle ride on your pon
uld," cried the co
wonder. Then holding Ted to his seat by putting an arm around him, while he walked beside
to Janet "I'm lear
ed Daddy Martin, coming out j
dy said. "Co
aid the cowboy. "But I didn't know whether the lee
mitted Janet. "But
ed her to the saddle. Then he led the pony around
ide, too!" c
he cowboy, and he held Baby William in the sad
dy Martin. "You children have had fun enoug
boy said, and, leaping into the sad
he ranch buildings. Daddy Martin, seeing that the
" said Troubl
u s'pose that funny Chinaman
t know how to
ng just as good. Let's go around to the co
of good smells, and, as they neared it, the Curlytops saw
oy hungly?" asked Hop
okies?" inq
glot him clake," th
ay?" asked Jane
g did mean. He brought out some nice cake on a plate and Trouble and the
when nothing but the crumbs w
ood cake," then whispered
nd good!" exclaimed
ome mo'!" laughed Hop Sing,
and a barrel, and played some of the games they had learned on Cherry Farm or while camping with
be hungry?"
things with them," said Aunt Millie. "They
could do that
t to be a cowboy,"
to have a nap, and Teddy and Janet wandered off by the
and was rolling-here hills and there hollows-they were soon out of sight of the ranch buildings, but they were not afraid, as they knew by going to a high part of the p
of rocks piled up in a sort of shelter. Indeed one place looked as though it might be a cave. And
d and stood perfectl
" asked Jan, claspi
id," he
like some one groa
at it had sounded that way to hi
ting to run. "Maybe it's an