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Dick Prescott's First Year at West Point; Or, Two Chums in the Cadet Gray


Word Count: 2057    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ten minutes perhaps, when a

caused both youngsters to loo

nute of the waking day-he would have come straight into the room. And any other cade

! sound

in," cal

ressed in the height of the pr

in what was meant for a cord

e in," sighed

his is a place where social points count tremendously, as I guess you've found out by this time. Now, you two may be all right, and I guess you are," admitted Bert condescendingly, "but you're just the sons

ge with a gradually widening grin of am

o awfully funny

l!" exploded Greg hi

way," retorted Bert in decided a

he room, he remarked

rovided for showing the social courtesies h

arked Dick, rising and pulling forward his own chai

. "That's one reason I want to see the janitor, or steward, or whoever th

off into anothe

sputtered Holmes.

y everything. A plebe, too, has to learn to be content with whatever he has given him. If he even makes any talk about i

tt in tall disdain. "Oh, well, you may be inclined to submit to such treatment, but I know who I am

orts to stifle his mirth, h

ught you only could do it I'd advise you to walk mighty slowly here, k

y cadet uniform, all the strength and grace of his fine and now well set-up young figure. B

or? I want to get a different one. I'm going in for some of the sw

ly for the last minute, now struggled wi

think I would have been told if I had asked. You see, every cadet here has to take just

nd-me-downs'?" demanded Bert Dodge angrily. "Save

in with any intention of being neighborly and

es will recall how Bert had been one of the leaders in the "sorehead" secession from the football ranks at Gridley High School. That movement failing in its purpose, Bert had afterwards provoked Dick Prescott into striking him, and had th

That he had entered their room in cadet barracks full of the pur

e oppressive when the door was pushed quickly

n of the yearling class, known already am

d Pratt, as he str

adet officer, Dick and Greg were

enough to argue the matter. Dick and

ng upon Dick, "what is this cit

artered in this building, and he t

air, Candy?" demanded Judson,

business!" r

d Cadet Judson, gripping Bert by the

gh, Jud," warned Cadet

ellow is nothing

think you're mighty

he habit of associa

r that ever grew in a farmyard," remarked

careful in your witticisms," warned Dodge

adet," retorted Cadet Pratt dryly. "But, Jud, our time is fairly running away from

as ramrods, Cadets Pratt and

on the stairway Greg stepp

You simply lay down and allowed those two military bullies to walk over you just as they chos

murmured Greg artlessly. "You'll show us, by your

to learn," grunted Bert, ris

on, a trace

e all start life on somewhat of a new footing. I'm willing to let by-gones be by-gones if you don't presume altogether too much on coming from the same home town. Keep y

ciation of his condescension toward two fellows who

h, wow! Dick, just think of that poor b.j. lamb falling into

t we'll never mind anything during the rest of our plebedom. No matter what happen

Greg honestly tried to study, but every other minute he simply h

restrain himself no l

appens to me, now I can stand it by

t his old tactics of ma


is own possession," grinned Greg. "West Point is

e anything but that. From the minute that a fellow enters the Military Academy he starts in life all over again. So, remember, Greg, we won't b

the fragments of which were now in his waste basket. "Who knows but that, in this new atmosphere, Bert D

ve started for him; for, being the only candidate left at West Point, and having no uniform as yet, Do

march quite a

cting, marched Cadet Corporal Spurlock, who was known a

ollow my count-hep! hep! hep! hep! Mr. Dodge, you're out of step! When I call 'hep' put your left foot down, sir! But don't keep it down, sir!" added the exasperated

en were with him. They saw and partly understood. The peal of laughter that floa

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