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The Helpers

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1888    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

at Constance Elliott arrayed herself in a modest street dress, and

me along with me. It'll do you good to see h

y finished her senten

is the proper fad nowadays to go slumming, but I

a new one," she commented. "I've heard all kinds

done everything that your money and sympathy can do, it is only a single drop in the great ocean of human wretchedness, after all. More than

than your theories, I should try to humble you. Wh

t doesn't make it necessary for me to go about and shed literal tears with those who weep, now. I prefer to do it by proxy." She took a gold

heathen! I wouldn't touch your money with the tip of my finger; I'd be afraid it would burn me. I hope you'll learn for yourself some day what the cold

door, she laughed softly to herself an

on the veranda. "Myra serves one beneficent end in the cosmogony in spite of hers

les, sprang up and ran to the gate. When the latch baffled him, as it

sual, aren't

do but to be promp'. Is it

nd you'll find it

s. Its component parts were a dainty little lady, walking very straight with her hands in the po

objected to the car on the score of economy. "Wot's the use o' givin' a bloated corp'ration a nick

f jelly left with bedridden Mother M'Garrihan, the bottle of wine put into the hands of gaunt Tom Devins, who was slowly dying of lead-poisoning, and the more substantial viands spread out before the hungry children in drunken Owen David's shanty, but of all the o

hen the procession paused before an unswept stairway leading to the second story of a building fronting on

tter with me?

meant to save you a climb. The b

show? You jes' tell me where you want it put, an' that'

ar the end of the long upper corridor she signed to him to give her the bask

perately poor; but these were only the accessories to the picture of desolation and utter neglect having for its central figure the woman stretched out upon the bed. She was asleep, and her face was turned toward the light which struggled feebly through the unwashed

rce. Tuesday night the fuzzy circles became blurs; and the stage manager swore audibly when she faltered and missed the step in her specialty. On the Wednesday Mademoiselle Angeline disappeared from the Bijou altogether; and for three days she h

ugs and dainties. Just what they were, or how they were to be applied, was another matter; but Constance grappled with the problem as ardently as if no one had ever before attacked it. In her later visits she always

I've got to go back when I'm fit. There ain

you try? O Margaret,

, "but you don't know it all. You can't, you see; you're so good the world puts on its gloves before it touche

ough before you could learn to say a thing like that. But you must try; I c

place where I could work right. How long would it be before somebody would go to the missis, or the boss, or whoever it might be, and say, 'See here; y

hat kind, so you could keep out of the way of people wh

to find out and tell; and then I'd be lucky if I got off without going to jail. And for the experi

allowances for the ravages of disease. "I should say twenty

," said Margaret; and Constance went home a few minutes late

g, and every noon, and every night, until I tell you to stop, I want you to go up to that last place and ask Margaret Gannon if there is anythi

he's hungry? You're jes' dead right I'll do it

Constance had to draw heavily on her reserves of cheerfulness to be able to mak

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