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Hidden Gold


Word Count: 3306    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

men of large ideas, and having had plenty of space at their disposal, they had used it lavishly. The streets, bordered by dusty, weather-beaten, frame buildings, were as wide

orty miles away, did away with any ambitions that Crawling

ded men, they were, for the most part; hard working; decisive in their likes and dislikes; fearing neither God nor man, they met Life as they found it and faced

far from satisfactory interview with Oscar Jensen. After he had stabled his horse and seen it fed, he started up the street in the direction of Moran's office. He was resolved to find out where th

ulk, but his ape-like body was endowed with a strength which not even his gross life had been able to wreck, and he was always muscularly fit. Except for the miner's hip boots, which he wo

ed a box of an excellent brand toward his visitor and waved

both the chair

u told Jensen to run his sheep i

fted a large, white hand and took the cigar

y range which I

urprise. "I wasn't aware that you had any legal right to

e. "We'll not quibble over that, however. We've got our legal rights, all of us; but we're a long distance from the c

h a show of tolera

n this valley who will take matters into their own hands, if this business is not stopped. There's plenty

t when it comes to the show down, you're a bunch of bluffers. Now, Wade, I made you an offer once,-I'll admit it, and I'll make it again for the last time. S

Wade laughed mirthlessly. "You're crazy, man. Why, you

your claims, and you never will if I can help it. We are spending lots of money here, and the government will see that our i

like rapiers: the cattleman like a statue in bronze in the fixed rigidity of his attitude, but with an expression that showed him one dangerous to trif

can-longer than I thought I could-and when they break loose, this valley will be a little hell, perhaps a shambles. Men are going to be ki

office, paying no attention to the ironica

ng cattle owner, Lem Trowbridge of the Circl

know what some are saying about you? Now, I'm your friend, and I'm tel

" Wade stopped and faced Trowbri

?" Trowbridge flamed up like a match. "No, they haven't said

lips compressing ominously. "I'm about through, Lem, not quite, but pretty ne

y paused at a street corner-one of t

." He winked with elaborate precision and looked in the direction of a snug little cottage, with flower bo

ike a boy and

n," he began lamely, when Trowbridg

moving off. "That little woman has put Crawling Water on edg

the significance of which he was far from realizing. When he was with Dorothy Purnell, he almost forgot her sex in the easy companionability of their relationship; when away from her, he thought no more of her than he might of some man friend; but t

ve happened now had she not ha

her low, rich contralto. "Better come in where it's

ed with nervous invalidism, following the death of Mr. Purnell, two years before. The town called them Easterners because their home

ew of green mountains from out a gloomy canyon. She had eyes, blue in repose, but shading to violet tints when aglow with vivacity; her nose was not perfect, because a trifle tip-tilted, but her face gained character through the defect; her very red lips held m

stake." Wade shook hands with her, slowly relinqui

ey entered the cozy little living-room, where the temperature was in pleas

h easy geniality. She liked him for his wholesomeness, and she frequently declared that he was worth all the doctors in the country because of the impression of

u," the girl said, seating herself across from Wad

a cigarette, in the home-like privilege which they allowed him there. "That's you

trace of violet showing in her eyes, wh

e valley considers himself

to cover her sentimental moment. "But that was foolish

n to-day to see Race Moran. There's a big band of sheep on our upper range, and Jen

heep! Wherever do

er the significance of the movement, and told her of his talk with Moran. "I've no use for the man," he concluded, "and if it comes to a showdown betw

that snapshot of me," she said whimsically. "I didn

face da

tever he wanted with it. But my dislik

chin in her hand, and looking him straight in the e

kill off the sheep. As a last resort, of course, we may have to do something like that, but I want to w

andle. He seems to have plenty of money, and they say here in town that he stands in with the

If only...! Say, do you know something else that is being

" her tone was a

ght have done with a man friend, and she took as little notice of it. Hi

lot of sheep herders. No, of course, my friends don't believe it," he hastened to add when she starte

rt of the courage your friends know that you have; to

range by night, seeing her image in every star. The thought that each single man, and many a married one, in Crawling Water, would ride into the Pit itself to win one of her smiles, had been Wade's comfort, even wh

ugh to accept my leadership so far, should lose their heads and go to it without me, I might talk afterward until Kingdom come. I'

instantly blazed


er will come out to my ranch. You'd be safer there. That is, of

and"-she smiled reassuringly-"I'm sure we should be safe enough right here wh

ou are safe enough here now, of course, and might be clear through to

eyes became anxious as she thought of what he might have

ghed. "If we had some one in authority right here on the ground we might make him understand, but

den elation with which she had clapp

shining eyes and eager countenance, as lovely as a Lorelei. "There is

er?" he exclaimed in a

ran on with her news. "He came in with his daughter last night on the

tch his mental balance. "And with pleasure, too. It

he somewhat disturbing reflection that Helen Rexhill was a most beautiful and dis

you know; but if we can get him interested, he may wake up Washington in o

?" Dorothy asked, with feminine cogen

at the Rexhills' presence in town. "We used to be good friends. You'll like her. But it's strange the

rged him out

w just as soon as you can what the outcome is. I

alled, over his shoulder, and when he look

watching him swing up the street she was not

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