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Edward Barry / South Sea Pearler


Word Count: 1699    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

teen truculent, evil-faced Solomon Islanders was not regarded with

ated with the most savage brutality, were intensely devoted to him, and every one of them would have cheerfully given up his life

who mostly came from the Equatorial Islands of the South and North Pacific-was quick to

oan, on the following evening. "One of them-he with the hare-lip-can speak Fijian, and this evening he was boasting to m

the mate in English, "but you and the rest of t

ill scarce move out of our way; and our men from the

much sooner than eve

there was a faint, fleecy wall of cloud to the north-east which Barry knew me

ding clothes. On the main-hatch was Warner's whaleboat, and sitting around her were the savage crew, chewing betel-nut and expectorating the scarlet juice in every direction. Mr. Warner himself was aft

rry, and holding the rifle in his left hand cla

en hilarity; "have a drink with me, and don't be so -- high and mighty

d the captain suavely; "but a bit

ll clutching Barry's shoulder he grinned insolently at Rawlings, whose dark, hand

ner's grasp, just as the latter repeated his i

or any one else when it is my

y so! Why, who the blazes are you any way? Don't you try

with a snort of contempt at him, went below. In a minute or two h

wine," he called, "come aft here

f an octopus as he masticated a mouthful of betel-nut. Taking the pipe and tobacco from his master he sat down cross-legged beside the companion. Barry eyed him for an inst

er he pointed to the befouled whiteness of the deck. "Tell that nigger of yours to get

e insulting reply; "reckon it

rific blow on the chin, and then spinning round on his heel he dealt the hare-lipped nigger

ilbert Islanders, who beat them back with belaying-pins. Joe, who was an immensely powerful man, knocked three of them senseless with successive blows on their woolly pates, and his comrades did equally as well. Then Rawlings darted on deck, followed by Barradas, and threate

st of the half-maddened crew, and by blows, threats, and entreaties to his own men, managed to effect a separation before murder was done, Ra

, though the savages at first refused to go until they were satisfied that their master was not dead. They were allowed to go aft and see him. He was sitting up and barely

nce to the captain and Barradas, both of whom

t; Billy Onotoa, who you say is a good man, with a couple of knife holes in his hide; Warner's head man with two stove-in ribs, and

mate, with some degree of irritation; "he deserved all he go

his officer resented his tone; "I don't think a drop

per at once asserting itself; "and, look ov

owed to come on deck, and Barry paid a round of visits to the wounded men, including Mr. Billy Warner, who freely cursed him an

y, "but it will pay you bette

and professing sorrow for what had occurred-his excuse of course being that he was drunk at the time, and did not remember what

d Rawlings daily grew more intimate, and it was very evident to Barry that they knew a great deal about each other, for at times, especially when he had taken too much to drink, the form

several renewed efforts to break through his reserve; but finding that he met with no response he

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