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How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Chapter 3 Precautions Before Beginning

Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

that the primal cause of that inconvenient dissatisfaction is the feeling that you are every day leaving undone something which you would like to do, and which, indeed, you are always hoping to do wh

deal of a perfect arrangement of the day, and by which, therefore, that haunt

perhaps there was a resurrection of hope in your breast. Perhaps you said to yourself, "This man will show me an easy, unfatiguing way of doing what I have so long in vain wished t

ably within one's daily budget of twenty-four hours is the calm realisation of the extreme difficulty of

r, you had better give up hope at once. If you are not prepared for discouragements and disillusions; if you will not be content

his necessity for the tense bracing of the will before anything worth doing can be done. I rathe

o I begin?" Dear sir, you simply begin. There is no magic method of beginning. If a man standing on the edge of a swimming-bath and wanting t

, as perfect, as unspoilt, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your career. Which fact is very gratifying and reassuring. You can turn over a new leaf every

me murmur a few words of w

atisfy it at first; it wants more and more; it is eager to move mountains and divert the course of rivers. It isn't content till it perspires. And then, too often

content with quite a little. Allow for acciden

by attempting too much. Therefore, in setting out on the immense enterprise of living fully and comfortably within the narrow limits of twenty-four hours a day, let us avoid at any cost the risk of an early failure. I will

ually spend in earning your livelihood - how much? Seven hours, on the average? And in actual sleep, seven? I will add

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